false alarm

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"Papa, lemme call you back--"

Ranger stepped inside the house from the small balcony.  

His thick black braids shifted at his back as his steps quickened.


The house was quiet, and Ranger's heartbeat sped up a little.

He paused at the overturned three-foot flower vase as he made his way down the hall that led to the bedrooms. His gaze lifted once again.

"Namow" he said knowingly, gazing towards her room.

Ranger knocked at her door and waited for a moment.

"Namow, was that you? I thought we were being robbed--again" Ranger stated still a little unnerved. He pushed open the door impatiently.

There was a hiss when he switched on the lights. 

"Woman, you scared the lights outta me! Can you try to be a little less chaotic when you move about at night?"

There was a pause and Ranger stepped outside the room once again after receiving an unnerving glare. He switched off the lights.

"Namow, that was you?"

There was a grunt of acknowledgement.

Ranger pulled the room door close once again.

"Crazy woman" He muttered as he righted the vase. 

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