~ Book Two // Chapter one : Emails ~

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**✿❀ 𝑆𝑖𝑥 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ❀✿**

Depression had struck me hard. I went to my classes and all but I never listened. Jasper was ignoring me, so was Alice. I had emailed them both over a hundred times. I had to find another way! Just one more Email.

Hey Jay,
It's been six months since we last talked and you have been ignoring me. Why is that? Have you found someone else? Do you not care for me anymore? What happened to us? What ever happened to that promise? What did I do?

I feel alone and empty without you and I managed to lose two families in the space of a year. That's pitiful. Am I really that

Do you know what, Fuck you and Alice, all you have ever done to help me was distract me from years of pain and suffering.Now that your gone, it's all came back. What a great boyfriend you were! Fuck your promises, fuck your pathetic excuses! I don't care anymore, go to your new girl! I hope she is wonderful and kind to you. I hope she makes you happier than I ever did. Good luck.

- Y/N Highland.

I held onto my necklace tightly.I heard a voice whisper,
"Bella." My eyes opened with shock. I looked around the room. No one was there. Wait Bella...Bella has an Email right? I rushed over to my computer, typing Bella's email address.
It read,
"Hey Bella,
it's been a while. I just wanted to asked how you and Edward were doing. What about Jasper? He and Alice have been ghosting me and I can't get a hold of them. I was hoping you could answer me when you are free so I can get some sort of composer.

Umm... I guess that's all. Good luck I guess... Thank you!

-Y/N Highland.

I sent the email, waiting for a reply, which came quite quickly. I opened the email it read.

Hello Y/N,
It's great to hear from you! Me and Edward are great, everyone is just really busy with things in Seattle and this newborn vampire called Riley. I will pass a message onto them both so they will get to you soon. I hope your okay!

Anyways how is Alaska, is it cold? I mean what sort if question is that, of course it is! I have got to go, have a good rest of your day!

-Bella Marie Swan.

Great. I mean at least I got a reply... Now we just have to okay another around of the waiting game.

I sat around, spinning on my chair, waiting for a ping to come from my computer. There never was one.

**✿❀ 𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ❀✿**

March 5th 2007

Alaska was cold and boring. I had no one to talk to. Me and Bella had been going back and forth but even now she has stopped. She mentioned something about a guy named Jacob and how he was injured, and how he kissed her. Edward got mad but he proposed. They were due to get married a few weeks before her birthday. I wasn't invited. I don't think.

Jasper hasn't said anything to me. Neither has Alice. It's almost like they were ignoring me for a reason. Question is what is that reason? Why are they Ignoring me?

I am thinking about dropping out of college. I am not learning anything. My grades are low and my attention span is zero. I have tried to get some sort of help but no one understands not a single soul understands how it's like to so many people. I have lost two families in the space of a year. Is that how bad I really am? Do I deserve to be loved?

Whatever, I'm sure I can survive on my own. Right?

March 17th 2007

It's official, I am dropping out of college. Not by choice. Due to my grades and low attention span, I am being kicked out. Back to forks I go, maybe j will see Jasper or Alice.

I hope they remember me. And I also hope they will give me the answers I am so desperate for.

I have a few more things to pack and then I am off and back to Rainy forks. But where am I going to stay? I will ask Bella if I can stay at her house or something.

**✿❀ 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 ❀✿**

The plane landed. The stranger next to me, shook me awake. I muttered a thank you before getting up and grabbing my suitcase. I held on tight to my necklace as I got off the plane. The cold rain drops hitting my skin, making me shiver. I took a deep breath before continuing my journey into the airport.

I got a coffee and a bagel before calling a taxi and leaving the airport. I arrived at my house. I payed the driver and got out. The rain had stopped... That's a plus.

I knocked on my door.
"Coming! " An unfamiliar voice said from inside. A woman answered the door.
"Oh hello dear, how may I help you? " She asked.
"Oh umm sorry but my mum lived here before I went to college. She never told me she moved. " I said.
"Sorry Dear, do you have anywhere else to stay? " She asked.
"Yeah, I think. Have a nice day! " I smiled to which she returned before closing the door.
"Fuck." I cursed as the rain started to pour once more.
(That rhymed hehe)

I started to walk to Bella's house.

I arrived after an excruciatingly long ten minutes. I knocked on the door.
"Can I stay here? " I asked.
"Yeah, sure. Come in and go take a shower. You need it after that rain. " She dragged me in.

She showed me the bathroom and handed me some pajamas. I closed the bathroom door, Turing on the shower. I undressed myself and hopped into the shower, relaxing my muscles.
"Oh Eddie. " I heard a moan come from the next room over. My eyes shot open as I gagged. I turned off the shower and hurriedly got dressed. I put my hair in a bun and put my shoes back on before running out of the house.

I got outside of the house and started to gag.
"That was gross. " I gagged. I started to walk to the woods. I could barely remember the layout of the woods, nevermind the way to the Cullen's house.

I stumbled through the woods, looking around, familiarizing myself with the surrounding woods.

I gulped as I approached the familiar house that I once used to call my home. I slowly raises my hand to knock, when the door opened.

A/N sorry if it's bad, I didn't know what to write about and I came up with this. Any suggestions please, please comment it!! Anyways have a good day/night! Byee!!


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