~ Part four: Piano? ~

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A/N please put on the song Sweater weather violin , waltz of the black swan and dancing with your ghost piano for this.

I woke up, this time not in my bed, not in Alice's car. But instead on someones lap. I looked up, Jasper.
"Why the fuck is there a human in the house?!" A man shouted.
"Because there is!" a woman screamed back.
"Tell me a real reason Alice!" The man shouted again.
"Carlisle leave her alone, how about you go ask your dickhead of a son!" Another voice shouted.
I winced at the shouting, covering my ears and scrunching my eyes shut tightly.
"Sshhh it's alright Y/N." Jasper said rubbing circles on my back, must of asked Alice.

I got up and picked up my violin.
I started to play 'sweater weather' to drown out the noise.
I closed my eyes playing the notes. After playing the last note I opened my eyes to see an audience formed around me. I gave a shy smile before putting my white violin away.
"Y/N did we wake you? " Alice asked.
"No not at all. " I said.
I yawned and climbed back onto the sofa, resting my head back onto Jasper's lap before dozing off once more.

I woke up to a piano playing. I yawned, Jasper wasn't there. I got up and walked to the music.
I arrived at the door and twisted the handle. I saw Edward playing the piano. I closed the door behind me, admiring the piano.
"You play the piano? " I asked.
He turned around wide eyed.
"Yeah, it's a hobby I picked up in Alaska. " He said rubbing his neck.
"Can I play? " I asked.
"Yeah go ahead. " He said moving off the music stool. I sat down, feeling the keys before I started to play 'The waltz of the Black Swan'. I hummed along.
"Okay show off. " Edward said I finished up.
"Shut up and keep this between us. Please. " I asked as I walked out to find Jasper.

"Jasper?! " I shouted through the empty halls.
"Yeah? " The boy came out in a towel and his hair dripping. His abs and 'v line's was exposed making me blush.
"I will come back at a better time." I said turning my heel.
"No it's fine, let me just get some pants on. " Jasper said convincing me to stay.
I waited in front of his door.
He came out in grey track bottoms and a vest on. Oh my god this man is fine.
"What do you want to ask me? " He said impatiently.
"Oh umm I just wanted to see if you and Alice want to go out clothe shopping? " I said making up an excuse.
"Oh yeah I will come let me just put on a hoodie and some shoes and socks and I will go and ask Alice to drive. " He said going to get a hoodie and shoes.

He came out like this

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He came out like this.
"Alice can I borrow your clothes? I want to impress someone. " I told her.
"Who? " She asked holding my hands.
"Someone now get me clothes. " I told her. She threw me an outfit and I got changed.

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~His girl ~ Jasper hale x Female Reader ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now