I Run To You

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"I think about you. But I don't say it anymore." -Marguerite Duras, Hiroshima Mon Amour

Dean had been pacing, and eventually decided to keep an eye on Nyx and Matthew, so he grabbed his keys, and took off, not even leaving a note for Sam.

He got exact coordinates from the GPS on Nyx's phone, killed the lights, and pulled the Impala over, and just waited. Every fiber of his existence said storm the castle, but he knew he had to keep it rational, and gather info.

He didn't want to see Nyx or with another dude, but she wasn't his girl, he might consider her his, but she was right, they weren't really anything to each other but friends, and he probably screwed that up too, he was sure if it. Dean Winchester: Friend Zoned, that's a book title, Dean thought rolling his eyes.

Dean got out and decided to go inside, it was a bar. Who said he couldn't go in? Maybe he wanted to drink. He sat at the bar, and ordered beer, he wasn't looking to get smashed. He looked around until he spotted Nyx. He kept an eye on her, but made it look like he wasn't actually watching her. The atmosphere of the bar was good, and he did enjoy people watching to a degree, though as a hunter it was best to keep an eye on people just in case.

She was sitting in a booth in a corner next to Matthew. He could see that she was getting irritated, and kept reaching under the table and moving his hand, Dean guessed from her lap.

"Come on Nyx, let's get out of here, and have some fun." Matthew whispered in her ear.

"I'm having fun, and I don't want to leave right now Matthew." She said with slight irritation. "What the hell is going on with you?"

Matthew leaned closer to her, and started kissing her neck, "I just figured we'd been together for a while now, maybe it was time to take the next step."

Nyx, absolutely done with his crap, slammed his head on the table, "Matthew, I'm not interested in having sex with you. I will not be pressured. Never forget, I can kick your ass, and when I'm done, you'll have my family who will probably just kill you." She angrily whispered in his ear. "We're done here." Nyx got up and left the man at the table bleeding. However, Nyx didn't see his eyes turn black.

Dean, having moved a bit closer once he saw Nyx head slam Matthew, saw his eyes turn black as Nyx walked away. Dean left the bar, and went to the Impala, grabbed his demon knife, and waited for Matthew. Dean's phone rang, he answered and heard an upset Nyx.

"Dean?" Nyx's tear filled voice said. "I need you."

"Where are you?" Dean asked.

"I left, I was at some bar, but I'm walking down the road back to Bobby's." Nyx said.

Son of a bitch! Dean said in his head. "I'll be there soon."

"Dean?" Nyx asked.

"Yeah?" Dean replied.

"Will you stay on the phone with me until you get here?" Nyx asked. He heard her fear, and realized it was dark out.

"Always." He said, speeding down the road to get to her.

It was a little bit later that he saw her walking. He pulled the car over, got out and ran to her, holding her in his arms. She was shaking, and she was full on crying now, and he kissed the top of her head.

"Take me home." Nyx said into his chest. Dean put his jacket on her shoulders, and held her to him as he walked them to the car.

Dean pulled up to the house, Nyx was passed out snuggled into him. He gently moved her, so he could get out, and went around the car, and carried her into the house, and he felt her snuggle into him, he gave her a smile, and kissed the top of her head.

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