Circle of Fear

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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars." -Khalil Gibran

As the girls grew up, Bobby tried to give them an apple pie life, at least that's what Dean called it, Nyx knew that there were bad things out there, and she was determined to fight them, she'd been on a few hunts with The Winchester Boys, Sam and Dean, but it was agreed by everyone that her sister would not know about the monsters... And what really happened to their parents. So, Bobby, Sam and Dean taught Nyx how to hunt, fight and kill monsters.

"Just be careful Nyx, I don't want to have to give you a hunter's funeral." Bobby told her as she was getting ready for a hunt.

"We'll bring her back safely Bobby." Sam said to the older man.

"I promise. Whatever it takes." Dean said agreeing with Sam.

"Guys! I'm 22! I'm not a little kid anymore. I listen to what I need to do while on a hunt. I'm not dead yet." Nyx said in frustration. She knows that they all mean well, they are the only family her and her sister's ever known. "Where's Wednesday? I want to say goodbye before we leave."

"She's probably around here somewhere." Bobby said.

"You don't know where she is? How long has it been since anyone's heard from her?" Nyx asked starting to panic a little.

"I'll go look for her." Sam said with a smile, turned and left.

Dean walked over to Nyx after Bobby left, wrapped his arms around her tightly, and felt her relax a little. "Hey." he said as he pulled her away from him slightly, "we'll find her." Dean said quietly, with determination in his voice.

"I know Dean. I know that we'll find her, but I just can't shake this feeling something is wrong." Nyx said.

"Nyx, look at me." Dean said gently, as he lifted her face to look up at his intense gaze, "we'll find Wednesday. I swear we'll find her. Just keep the faith."

Nyx leaned into Dean's hand as he rubbed his thumb over her cheek soothingly. Tears were silently starting to fall, and Dean wiped them away every time.

"Dean... I'm scared." Nyx whispered so quietly that Dean almost didn't hear her.

"I know." He replied, "I understand. Sammy and I will find her, we need to stay calm, and if something's up, we'll work it like it's a case, but for now we have to work this case."

"No. I'm NOT sitting out looking for her. And before you say it, I am capable of doing what needs to be done to work this case. If you leave me, I will just follow you, and I know what Baby looks like." Nyx said full of emotion.

"I know. I wouldn't leave without you anyways." Dean said.

Nyx pulled back with a gasp, "Jody!"

"What about Jody?" Dean asked.

Nyx picks up her phone and dials Jody's number, "She can help find her."

"You call Jody, I'll call Cas and let Sam know what's going on. Bobby can stay here just in case." Dean told her as he left to fill the other two in on the plan.

Dean headed to Sam, "Anything yet on Wednesday?"

"No, nothing yet." Sam said with worry. "Dean... What if something got her? What if it's what killed their parents?"

"Then we'll handle it and bring her back." Dean told his brother with dead determination on his face. "I'm the mean time, we have to keep things as normal for Nyx as we can."

"Yeah." was all Sam said with a worried sad tone.

Some time later, they get to the cheap run down looking motel, Nyx asleep in the back of the black '67 Chevy Impala, Dean's pride and joy. He's worked on that car more than he can count, it's part of the family. It's been there since before he can remember. It was there when his parents were happy, when he was born, when Sam was brought home, when Mary died... It was there when he went to Hell, when Sam came back without his soul, and when they got it back. That car is Sam and Dean's life story, every tear soaked memory, every laugh they had, all the pranks... That car, which Dean affectionately calls Baby, has been a constant in the life they have, where the only constant thing is knowing that you'll die, if you're lucky it'll be trying to save someone, and a gun in your hand.

Nyx only slightly stirred from being woke up, and then rolls over and continues to sleep. Sam and Dean share a look, then Sam goes and gets a room while Dean stayed by the car. As Sam comes back, Dean has a sleeping Nyx in his arms, bridal style and her head snuggle in his neck.

The boys walk in and Dean lays Nyx on an unoccupied bed, while Sam gets the rest of the stuff out of the Impala.

"Dean! No, please don't leave!" Nyx screams out in tears while still asleep.

Dean comes over to her, and he holds her tightly while gently rocking her, "Shhh... I'm right here Nyx. I'm not going anywhere ever again. I promise. It's okay."

"What's going on? Is Nyx okay?" Sam asks while putting the last of the bags on the floor, shooting a concerned look in their direction.

"She's having a nightmare. She'll be okay." Dean tells his brother, while running his hand through Nyx's hair soothingly. He sees the tears falling from her eyes, and wipes them away.

"What do you think it's about?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. It could be about her sister... Or when I took off with Crowley... When I was a demon." Dean said quietly.

"Yeah... That was rough on everyone, but I think she took it the hardest. She actually was a lot like you, it was almost comforting, because it was like a female version of you. She always said she was fine, and she'd constantly look for you... I don't think she even slept much during that time. She just kept saying that she needed to find you." Sam said seeing it all play in his mind. "I was starting to lose hope, but she kept believing in you. She's always believed in you, even when she was little." Sam looked at Dean with a smile. "Like I do. We all do."

"Yeah... Well... Let's not get all Hallmark." Dean said, though everything his brother said to him meant a lot, and he could feel how loved he is.

"Right." Sam says with a smile and a slight laugh. "Let's get some sleep."

"In order to learn the most important lessons in life, one must each day surmount a fear." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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