I Will be the End of You

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"Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to." -Unknown

Nyx and Dean stood looking at each other, a beautiful park lake reflecting the stunning sunset behind Nyx, Dean was fighting the urge to kiss her again. Nyx moved back a little, and crossed her arms, which Dean noticed, and again was fighting the urge to take her in his arms and never let go. Nyx looked up at him from under her lashes, sighed, and then looked at him directly.

"So... We gonna talk, or are you planning to push me in the lake?" She asked Dean, breaking the intense silence.

"Don't tempt me." Was Dean's only reply.

"I hear it's really cathartic, but I wouldn't actually know." Nyx said.

"Like I said... Don't tempt me." Dean said, looking into her eyes very intently, his voice sounding angry, with a hint of amusement.

"So say something, Dean. You said you wanted to talk, and you drag me out here. I'm here, so talk." Nyx started yelling angrily at him.

"This case..." He started, and struggling to find the words, he turned his back to her, ran his hands over his face in frustration, "You can't work this case." Dean sighed and faced Nyx again, hands in his jacket pockets.

"Why? I've helped with other cases. I'm good at what I do." Nyx said confusion evident in her voice and on her face.

"Not this case, Nyx, please." Dean said worry and terror equally apparent in his tone and in his eyes. "You can work any other case with us, but not this one. I'm begging you to go back to Bobby's. You'll be safe there. Please." Nyx could see the tears beginning to spill over from Dean's eyes, he was crying silently, and she felt her heart shatter.

"Dean..." she said, as she closed the gap between them, and took Dean into her arms and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. She felt him hold her tightly, like he needed her as a lifeline. She knew something must be serious for Dean to be like this. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll go, but only on the condition that you can me if things go sideways. I don't care if you don't want to, you call me. Do you understand?"

"But, it's-" was all Dean got out.

"You swear to me that you'll do this, or I stay anyways. I'm not done demon that you're gonna screw over Winchester. I mean it. I'll make sure I'm there if I have to be." Nyx said, being deadly serious. "Whatever it is, we can face it together. I'll do it your way for now though."

"Alright." Dean said.

"Good. Now that we've got that settled, was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

"Umm, no. That was it." Dean slightly stumbled over his response, though he didn't think she noticed.

She's been around Dean long enough to know when he was hiding something, and if he was about to something stupid, right now, he was hiding something. She'd find out what it was though. "Hey, can I stay with you guys? It's getting late, and I'm really tired."

"Yeah, sure. Just make sure you call Bobby, he's been worried about you." Dean said as he walked back to the car. He noticed Nyx wasn't following him. "What going on?"

"Well... Honestly... I could ask the same thing." Nyx said. "What are you not telling me Dean?"

"About what?" He asked.

"This case. Why you don't want me here. What are you hiding from me?" She stated as she moved closer to him, so close that she was just a few steps away from reaching up and kissing him.

"Nothing. I'm not hiding anything." He said.

"See... If it were Sam saying that, I'd be more likely to believe it, but you're lying. There's something you don't want me to know. I will find out Dean. It may not be today, but sooner or later it'll come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it secret." Nyx said, having away from the Winchester. "Face it Dean, you know I'm right. What I don't understand though, is you trust me with your life on hunts, yet you don't seem to trust me now. I have to say... That really hurts."

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