24 - You Tell Me - Autumn Collins

Start from the beginning

He's staring at me with unreadable expression. His lips are puckered and his eyebrows are furrowed. "No. I did what I needed to do because I care about you. I ruin all your stupid relationships to save you from getting heartbroken."

His answer awes me. Is that real? But I realize who's speaking to me. "A relationship advice from the one and only eligible player who has been breaking hearts. How ironic!" I laugh with contempt.

"You always fall for the wrong person! Can't you see that?" he yells at me. "This isn't about me, Autumn. It's about you and I care about you."

"That's none of your business! Get the hell out of my relationship life! I can take care of myself." I'm so upset, getting up and walking away from him.

For whatsoever many times I fail in my relationship life. The first time when I was in high school, we broke up because Chace beat him up for trying to touch me more than I wanted to be touched at that time.

The second one was during my second year in UMASS Boston. Chace found out that guy being abusive to me after he saw bruises on my back. That guy was a bit sadistic but I knew he loved me. I thought Chace would not do anything when I confessed to him about the abuse. I should've known Chace would always be Chace. Chace fractured that guy's left hand and even got suspended for weeks because of that report.

Then the newest one, Tyler Hale called me earlier on this Thursday morning to break our freshly relationship. The tragic of my love life makes me realized it has always been Chace gets in the way.

"Hey, Grace!" I call my friends, thinking I need some girls-night out. Grace is the life of the party. That girl knows how to have fun.

"Okay, deal. I'll come by your place at 8." I agree. "I'll call the others." I offer. "See you tonight!"


Grace proves herself to be the party-goer who always knows where the party is. She suggests us to go to a party thrown by the drama club senior at her apartment. Grace is one of the members in the club. She's the leader of the club.

That's how awesome she is, been taking the lead of the club for two years in a row. I may hate drama, but if I have to be in a drama project, I'd be willing to roll up my sleeves working hard for her. She's the best at what she excels at, leading the drama club.

So drama club party it is. I come to the party with Sarah. I've called Michelle but she has something else to do. Since she's been with Chace, I guess she acts quite busy, following him anywhere like a clingy girlfriend she is, never gets enough of getting pleasure with Chace.

"Autumn! Sarah!" Grace welcomes us with open arms and literally shouts at us through the loud music blaring in the apartment.

I follow her introducing me to some of her good friends. I grab a drink as I walk past the table provide the drinks, must be alcoholic ones.

I don't actually drink, tried once and hated it. But who cares? I just want to be free tonight. I gulp the drink in two rounds.

"Wow! Autumn, are you okay girl?" Grace asks, seeing me drinking with ease.

I laugh. I don't know why I'm laughing honestly. "You get a heartbroken girl right here."

"Tyler Hale? How?"

I don't feel like talking about that so I ignore her. "Oh beer-pong. I want to try that." I walk to the folks playing beer-pong. I see Grace talking to Sarah, whispering something that I think makes Sarah comes to me.

"You don't need to babysit me. I'm so fine." I snap at her as she stands beside me.

I say to the guy across me. "I want in. Hey you, hottie! Let's play with me."

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