Chapter 11: For now

Start from the beginning

She stood properly and took a step back. Although it was a bad idea now that she was cornered in the small space where there was only one exit which was behind the mysterious man.

"Yes?" her small voice said.

"Are you Tsukishima Ena?"

"No," Ena quickly replied.

The male chuckled darkly, shaking his head, "Well, they said you were rude. I guess it was true."

"What the hell do you want? Get out of my way," she tried to sound confident and brave but she can feel her body trembling and her eyes watering.

The mysterious man finally met her gaze and Ena could see his cold black eyes staring right back at her. She can feel the smirk behind his mask as he said, "Sorry, princess. But those greedy men already paid me. Don't take this personally, alright?"

He put his hand in the pocket of his hoodie and was about to pull something when Ena acted faster and kneed him on the groin. The male let out a groan as Ena pushed him and tried to make her way to the exit.

However, the man grabbed her shirt from behind and pulled her back. Ena let out a scream as she fell to the ground.

"Let go of me!" she cried as she threw her arms at the male.

"Shit! Stay still, you bitch!"

Ena let out a cry as the male slapped her. She whimpered at the stinging sensation on her right cheek. She felt so weak right now.

It was just one guy and Ena couldn't even protect herself.

She doesn't know how to fight by herself.

Since she was an only child before, her parents were overprotective of her and she was unable to learn self-defense. They were afraid she would get hurt.

"Well, Dad was completely wrong," Ena thought and if she had the chance to escape from this danger, she would take self-defense classes.

It happened so fast that Ena couldn't react immediately. The man was already on the ground unconscious and a shadow loomed over her.

"Ena," a soft voice called. Ena looked at her possible savior with wide eyes.

"Of course it was him," she thought and let the tears fall down her cheeks as she choked a sob.

Todoroki kneeled in front of her, worry filling his eyes. He cupped both of her cheeks to get her to look at him, "It's okay."

That statement made Ena sob harder than it was supposed to as she clutched his black sleeves, holding onto him as if she was scared that he would disappear.

"It's okay. I've got you," he spoke as he engulfed her in a hug and draw circles around her back for comfort.

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

Ena ended up in Todoroki's room.

After what happened, she was still in shock and couldn't process anything. So, Todoroki thought the best option was to take her to his home and his room.

The household was surprised to see the Young Miss from Tsukishima Family getting carried by their Young Master up to his room. They knew they were engaged and in love but they were too young to do the deed.

Gossip filled the Todoroki staff that night.

"Why am I here?" Ena whispered. She was sitting down at the edge of her fiance's bed as Todoroki rummaged through his closet to find some clothes that would fit her.

"You're going to stay here for tonight," he simply replied.

Ena scoffed and stood up even though she was still shaken up by what happened earlier, "Since when did I agree on that?"

Todoroki turned to her and walked towards her, "That man that attacked you was probably sent by the people from your company. You can't trust anyone from there until we found out who was behind it."

"And I can trust you?" Ena asked, she was still mad at him and Todoroki couldn't blame her.

He did lie to her, after all.

"For now," he said, "Just trust me for now."

Ena shook her head and turned her back to him as she walked to the balcony, running her hands through her hair.

Todoroki watched her in concern, he can see she was stressed out from all of the things that has been happening.

Although she still harbor hate towards the male, she couldn't help but to agree with him.

The strange man who assaulted her was sent by someone she knew from the company. He said it himself, he was hired by some old men.

Ena guessed it was the board members who doesn't want her to inherit her father's company. So they resort to trying to kill her.

She turned back to Todoroki who was now sitting on the bed and looking down on his feet. His elbows were leaning on his lap and his hands were clasped together.

"Fine," Ena stated, causing the male to look up at her, "I'm staying here for tonight."

Todoroki let out a sigh of relief, he thought they would need to argue back and forth just to convince her to stay. He stood up in front of the girl, "You're going to sleep here."

"And you?" Ena frowned, she was surprised to hear herself asking him.

"I'll take the couch," Todoroki said, pointing to the furniture on the opposite end of the bed.

"Why don't you just take your bed and I can go to one of your guest rooms?"

"And let you out of my sight? I'm not risking that, you tend to do impulsive things," he said, narrowing his gaze at the girl.

Ena's mouth fell agape at the accusation, "I don't do that!"

Todoroki rolled his eyes, "Do you want me to list it down for you to remember?"

She glared at him and huffed, trying to come up with what to reply. She looked away, still frowning, and crossed her arms over her chest.

The male nodded and let out a tired sigh. He pointed to some clothes on the bed, "Those are change of clothes. Go and take a bath and we can have dinner later on."

With that, he left Ena alone in his room. The girl watched the closed door he exited and let out a sigh before proceeding to his bathroom. 


hello, you guys. how's the story? lol. i haven't done any editing with it.

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