I groaned, "There's still to many humans."

"You'll do great. You've been with the pack long enough to control yourself." she said before hugging me tightly. She took out her phone and held it out to Killian, "Take a picture. Show Clyde and Sofia how exciting Aeriela is."

"Uh Alpha Matilda, she doesn't look very happy." Ulric said, taking the phone.

She put my arm around my waist, "Smile." she said. I forced a big smile on my face and she chuckled, "Don't make it look so fake. I know school sucks but you might actually like it."

We both smiled at the camera of the phone when Ulric took a picture and Mat took her phone back. She gave me one more last encouraging hug before she got back in the car and the driver drove away. I turned to Ulric with a concern look on my face, "I'm gonna make a fool of myself."

He chuckled, "How about I walk you to your homeroom class?"

Ulric put his arm around my shoulder and lead me towards the school building. I held my bag close against my chest and avoided looking at the humans teenagers who eyed me a little. I lowered my bag down and licked my nervous lips.

When we walked into the building, I felt suffocated with so many kids around. Ulric slid his hand down my mind and we beezed our way around the others. He asked me about my schedule and map on the back of the school. He looked down at it, "Sophomore is on the east wing of the first floor. Hmm, we don't even have to go up a pair of stairs. See that sign, that's east wing." he said as we went over and went into a long hallway.

I looked around and saw many humans are their locks with friends. Allot of them were talking and telling about their summers. The lockers were a light blue color and the walls were white. I was able to look in some of the rooms to see desk and chairs everywhere with some people inside of them already.

Ulric pulled me over towards a locker with an E36 on it, "This is your locker, meaning no one else uses it." he said. He showed me how to put the code in but I felt a pair of eyes on us. I looked up across us to see some humans girls looking at Ulric and talking about him. I breathed heavily out my nose and I stepped towards them. Ulric noticed and he quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me back, "Hey now, relax." he said.

I glared them for a moment, "Dumb human girls." I mumbled as I turned back to Ulric. He showed me how to use the locker again and it took a few tries until I got it covered. The locker was empty with a few stickers that I see allot of cars. I turned to face Ulric pouting, "I guess this is where you leave me."

He reached out and took some of my red hair in his hand. Front strains of my hair was pulled back and my long red hair hung down in waves. "You're gonna be fine. Try talking to people but make sure it's not anything about wolf stuff. Like about your favorite singer or how excited you are for school."

"But I'm not."

He chuckled, "I know, I meant to say hate it. Lots will agree with you. You're first class is that room right there," he said, pointing at a room with the door opened. He leaned down and pecked me hard on the mouth, "Goodluck. I'll see you at twelve." he said. He gave me a big hug and I didn't want to let him go but he put his hands on my waist and pulled me away. I pouted him and he cup my cheek for a second before walking away.

I watched him until he turned the corner of the hallway. I bit my lower lip as the hallway was getting more clear from student and I hesitated before walking over towards the room Ulric showed me. I walked into the room where lots of kids were talking and being loud. Many were sitting on top of desk and messing around.

Maybe I should just go. Yes, I should just go back to the camp site and be happy there. I started to turn around when an older woman came over, "Do you need help finding a class, Aeriela?" she asked.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now