Part 43:

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"It found us?!" Mitaka yelled shocked seeing the falling devil had found her. "I found you." The falling devil replied as the building crumbled when the falling devil pointed. "AAAAHH?!" Mitaka held onto something for dear life. "Asa!" Yoru shouted to the girl.

"I can tell by the way your muscles move. By the smell of your sweat. Youur attachment to life is weak to begin with, no?" The falling devil holds Mitaka's face with two of her arms. "What truly scares you right now is the shock of the impact. The physical sensation of falling. The darkness of the sky. That's all. Close your eyes... And I can promise you a peaceful fall."

Mitaka sweated as she looked back to Yoru but she couldn't hear her. She started to remember things, as she closed her eyes. She let go (Let it go) she starts to fall in peace. Denji appeared out of nowhere. "C'MOOOONNN!!" Denji held Mitaka's hand as he held the railings. "WOAH?!"

"CHAINSAWMAN?!" Mitaka yelled out of surprise. "THAT'S HEAVY!!"

"Wait a- Stop! Let go!! No!"

"Wha- HUH?! WHOA, WHOA WHOA!" Mitaka tried to make Denji let go of her hand. "I'm okay with falling!! I accept it!!!"

"ARE YOU NUTS?!" Denji yelled to her. "Life is nothing but pain!! Getting made a fool of, getting your expectations up only to be let down! Isn't it?!" Denji went quiet for a bit. "Well, yeah, but like...! Whoa- AH?!" The railing Denji held broke as he let go of it.

"GYAAAH?!" Denji starts to float with Mitaka since he was still holding her hand. "It's like the worse you feel... The heavier you get but upward!! Think happy thoughts!! Dogs! Cats! Dogs! Dogs! Cats!"

"AAAAAHHH!" Mitaka and Denji stopped as they were in the air. "We stopped! Cats! Cats! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Tears started to pour out of Mitaka's eyes as she remembered her own cat. "Don't make me remember cats!"

"I know how you feel!! Believe me, I've been there!!" Denji shouted. "What would you know?! No one has it worse than me!!" Denji went quiet there. "Just when life seems super awesome as soon as you let your guard down... Some crappy thing happens outta nowhere and screws it all up right?!" Denji says sympathizing with her as he too felt it before...

"You know life isn't all bad... But day in, day out, all you can remember is the bad stuff.. And the disasters keep pilin' up like a hamburger made of crap right?"

"How did you get over that... Chainsaw man?"

"I haven't! I'm not over it! Only.... I've got something to live for! Something I look forward to so much that I'm willing to eat that crap burger!"

"What's that?"

"My bro! I'm willing to do anything for my bro!!"

"Who's you're bro Chainsaw man." Mitaka says as she looks down at Denji who both now are holding hands. "Pain devil! We're sweet bro's! We think about ladies, food and kick butt!"



"..." Mitaka stays silent as Denji rambles about how great his bro really is. Mitaka's face went pale as the two of them were transported by a door. A big white flash happens as the two of them disappears.


"Reze! Where are they?!" M/n yells as the two of them just saw what had happen. "Reze?!" He looks around trying to search for her. "Hello??" He suddenly looks up seeing Reze up in the air. "Up here M/n!" M/n quickly jumps off the platform he was on and grabs onto Reze's hand.

"Think about happy thoughts again!" Reze nods as M/n dangles his legs while staring down. "You're so damn heavy you know that Reze? Not in a mean way though.." M/n says as he looks a bit casual from the current situation he is in.

"!!" M/n looks down as he sees Denji and Mitaka. "There Reze!" The two of them finally stop floating as Reze and him held hands before going down like stories tall. M/n lands on the ground as the two of them didn't take any fall damage at all because of him.

"Over there!" Reze pointed to Denji and Mitaka. "Let's hurry love." They both held hands again as the two of them flied through the air as loud booms and explosions happen behind them. "Look at Denji's sick ride!" M/n pointed at the motor bike that had chainsaws.

"Easy does it!" M/n picks up Reze as he followed Denji and Mitaka through out the city. He looks up seeing a lot of the devil's tentacles (?) as it descended down to Denji and Mitaka. Loud gunfire starts as the tentacle things had multiple big holes in them as M/n helped Denji escape those things.

The real devil appears at the side of Denji and Mitaka. "Huh?!" The devil's fist turns into a hammer as it slams the building Denji was riding on with Mitaka, "WHOA!!" Denji landed back on the road, as the giant devil followed him. Just behind his tail. "Pain usage: 10%" M/n murmurs as some blood came out of his nose.

"Got you."

The giant devil twitches in pain as it stopped following Denji and Mitaka as a giant building crashed in front of them. "What did you do M/n?"

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