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Hi! Just a few quick things before this starts: I would like to say that I have not yet finished botw, I haven't defeated ganon yet but that is it and I also have not read trials of Apollo so sorry if some of this stuff seems incorrect or weird. I just like to write about things I love which are Tloz and pjo! Sorry if it's messed up! Anyway, all characters belong to Rick Riordan and Nintendo :)


The calming sounds of the ocean awakened me from my long slumber. I felt a cool breeze wash over my skin and I breathed in the fresh smell of salt. Supporting my body from underneath lied a soft cover of sand like a thin, fine mattress. I've always loved the ocean and how it makes me-wait, the ocean?

I opened my eyes to be in contact with a blinding ray of sun, causing my pupils to take some time to adjust. The sunrise caused a beautiful, colorful effect across the calm waters of the morning. My body jerked up to check my surroundings while I rubbed my eyes awake. Yes, I confirmed that I was in fact on a beach; but where and how?
I stumbled to get up off the ground and dusted the powdery sand off of my body. (Who knew sand could actually be that soft?)

So, I was on a beach that I have no memory of ever seeing before I just recently woke up... In fact, now that I think of it, do I have any memory at all? I started to sweat lightly, but yet still remained calm.

Remember...Try...Try to remember, I heard a voice say in my head, followed by an earsplitting ring in my ears that I just couldn't handle..

"Ugh!" I held my hands over my head, trying to make my newly arrived headache go away. Already, my head was hurting and I was confused, although I had only been here for a few minutes.

I adjusted my hands by moving one hand on my forehead and let the other hang by my side while I took a step to turn around.
Behind me, a jaw dropping landscape stretched across the land. Hills scattered from end to end and beautiful strawberry fields were patched perfectly in place.

It just seemed so perfect and honestly, it felt really relieving, though I don't know why...

I turned my head a little more, this time revealing the rest of the picture perfect grounds.
Various well made, lovely decorated wood cabins accentuated the scenery, along with what seemed to be fun summer activities: rock climbing, sand volleyball, canoeing and some kind of swordplay or fencing.
This must be some kind of camp, but none of the ones I've ever seen before if I can remember them correctly. I began to think of ones I may have encountered before, but my mind draws a blank. Even the most simple things I cannot remember.


Because the camp is a little bit of a distance away, I couldn't see if anybody was currently there.
I squinted my eyes to get a better look, but immediately my left eye started throbbing. I winced in pain and covered my hand over my eye.

I walked over to the water and looked down at my reflection rippling through the waves.
Lifting my hand away, I revealed a long scar down my left eye. I was in shock, not only of that scar, but of multiple scars. As I lifted up my Hylian champion tunic I found yet again more painful scars scattered along my abs. I looked back up at my damaged face and touched my dirty blonde hair as I had a thought.

Wait, I gasped. Hylian champion tunic? Holy Hylia... I just remembered! Wait, what does Hylian mean again? Hylia... The goddess. But what does she look like? All this time since I woke up, I've been having a particular feeling that I can't quite explain. Right now, this one familiar female figure keeps popping up in my head, radiating true beauty. But, whenever I put the name Hylia to her.. it doesn't seem right. Who is she? She's the only thing I can remember. She's the only one I can think about...

I look back at my reflection, my eyebrows now furrowed in thought. I shake my head and snap out of it. It's probably best to get off the beach as soon as possible.

Right as I decide to walk towards the camp, I heard chatting from a few feet away. Instantly, the voices halt. I raise an eyebrow and turn and look to my side to see who was there.

I was face to face with a mouth gaping boy and girl who seem to be about my age.


Do they know my name?



The guy balled his fists and huffs.

Maybe it was my facial expressions?

Suddenly, I hear a massive explosion from the side of me. I was too confused right now to notice, but I probably should have. Just then, I was emerged into a tsunami wave, throwing me across the land into the strawberry fields.

It was definitely my face, wasn't it?

My head is face first into the dirt, a strawberry shoved into my mouth. Although it was the most scrumptious tasting strawberry I've ever had, I spit it out because it was filled with mud.

I coughed the remaining mud out of my mouth and limped myself up. I hugged my ribs because I basically belly flopped onto the field and let me tell you; strawberries are not very good cushions.

I spun around and searched the beach to find the couple standing in front of the fields with a stern look on their faces. They looked like they were ready to get into a fight, yet they are just normal hylians, right? I hope they aren't yigas... Wait, yigas! How come I only remember specific groups of people but not friends or families or... others. I still don't remember anybody from before I woke up except for that mystery girl that I can't seem to take my mind off of.

Maybe I should take it as a sign to stop retrieving memories at the wrong moments, because when I was stuck in my own world, I didn't even notice them take out SWORDS? Are they yigas?

I look around my body to find if I brought any weapons with me. Please Hylia if you hear this, some yigas keep following me around so I would really appreciate it if you'd magically give me weapons if I don't have them. I look down at my waist to find a metal slate... item? I unhook it and get a nice firm grasp on it, distracting myself from my goal of trying to find a weapon on my body.

While I was just about to take a closer look at it, I felt a tiny bonk on my head. It must've been a little rock or something because nothing happened after... except the ground started spinning which was kind of weird. Must be an earthquake.

I blacked out.


Hiiiiiiiiii I'm actually really excited to write this and I hope I won't just abandon this like every other story I've ever wrote so let's just cross our fingers 🤞
Anyways while I was working on this one I also started working on the second chapter so it will probably be up soon after this
Idk if anyone will read this but yeah :)

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