•Chapter Thirty-Two•

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Keisha looked down at the diamond-studded earring she bought for her boyfriend. She still couldn't believe she retrieved it from her cousin's house a few weeks ago. How could he do this to her? After everything she'd done and all of the shit they went through to be together, Rico threw it all away. She was finally at a point in her life where she felt secure and now she was back at square one.

"This bitch ass nigga thinks I'm fucking stupid," Keisha said aloud as she threw the earring across the room. Typically she was heartless but finding that earring in Brisha's room ruined her. She was used to Rico fucking around on her but she never expected this type of pain.

Keisha stood and grabbed the mini revolver from the dresser and held it up. Looking at herself in the vanity mirror she wiped the tears that streamed down her face. Dwelling over the obvious truth didn't help. Something had to be done about it.

Throwing on a hoodie and some biker shorts Keisha mentally prepared herself for what she was about to see. She left her apartment and hurried to her car. It was almost nine at night and she knew he would be out doing dirt. Keisha dialed Rico's phone number and waited for it to ring, but when she didn't get an answer it sent her into a rage. Dialing Brisha's number next, her rage increased when neither of them answered.

"Okay they think it's a game," Keisha said as she went to an app on her phone. She checked Rico's location and it gave her an address and it was a fifteen minute drive. Putting the address into her GPS she started her route to an unknown location.

"What the fuck?" Keisha questioned. As she pulled into a dingy motel. Crackheads and fiends filled the parking lot and it looked like a trickoff spot. "This nigga fucking bitches in this dirty ass motel. Not even a fucking motel 6." Keisha said aloud as she looked around. She was disgusted. Not only was he violating her body but her home also by being in this bedbug infested dump.

She picked a spot and cut off her car. Pulling out her phone she checked the app again and saw that the tracking device she placed under his bumper was only 5 feet away. Should I wait or bust out his fucking windows right now. She thought as she spotted his BMW across the parking lot. She dialed his number again and instead of an answer she received a text.

"I'll be home in fifteen," he said.

Keisha looked at the message in disbelief. He really was out in the streets embarrassing her. Hearing about it is one thing but to see it with her own eyes made her want to commit murder.

Keisha gripped the gun as she sat back and waited for him to come out. Ten minutes later Rico rushed out of one of the rooms. "Ima play it cute," she said to herself as she noticed Brisha behind him. Keisha got out of her car and walked slowly towards them.

"The fuck you mean it's over?" Brisha blubbered as she followed after him. She was a complete mess as she gripped his clothes, trying to make him listen. "We're having a baby! I love you. Please don't do this." she pleaded with a face full of snot and tears.

Keisha stopped in her tracks. "A baby?" she said under her breath. Her feet felt like cement at that moment. She couldn't move or stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. She saw red as she continued the walk over to the arguing couple.

Rico stopped. "Aye cut that shit out shawty. Stop making a fool of yourself. You knew what it was from the beginning."

"Yeah, but things change. I can't do this alone," Brisha pleaded.

"Well do what you gotta do. I'm out." Rico replied with his hands up. He turned around and all the color drained from his face.

"So what the fuck is all of this?" Keisha said as she approached him. Rico couldn't say anything, all he did was stare at her like she was stupid.

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