·Chapter Three·

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Club Lounge was so packed that the line stretched almost out to the street. You would think they were releasing the new Jordans. Shayla pulled her car into the closest spot she could find and they all got out.

"I'm not fina stand in this long ass line," Brisha complained as they walked closer to the end of the line. They all stood there waiting to get in, along with every other thirsty hood rat that wanted to see Lil Boosie.

"Welp, it looks like we're gonna be waiting," Jaz said, pulling out her phone.

A few minutes passed and the line was moving along, but not as fast as they would like. The music was blasting and each time the door opened they could see the crowd of people having the time of their lives.

"Man, my fucking feet starting to hurt already," Brisha complained. Jaz and Shayla looked at her and rolled their eyes. It had only been about fifteen minutes of waiting and Brisha was doing what she always did. Complain. She loved to dress like she was on a hoe stroll so it was no surprise that her feet were starting to hurt.

"Your ass shouldn't have worn them tall cheap ass stripper heels." Shayla joked, causing the three of them to laugh.

"You get on my damn-" Brisha started but was cut off by the appearance of a well known local hood rapper. She nudged Jaz, making her turn her head. "Bitch look. There go Kylo." She said. Jaz looked at the guy walking up to the line then back at Brisha.

"Okay and?. Ion know him." Jaz shrugged.

She's never seen him before but she couldn't lie he did look good. It wasn't hard to see the diamonds shining in ears, around his neck, and on his wrist. She had to admit he was fly laced in Gucci, but he was a little bit too flashy for her liking.

"Girl what!?" Shayla asked, baffled. Before Jaz could respond Kylo and his crew got closer and his face came into clear view. She could see how handsome he was, but seeing how the females swarmed him, turned her off. Jaz put her head down and scrolled on her phone while Brisha and Shayla continued being thirsty.

"I'm getting his number tonight. Period." Brisha said while eyeing Kylo as he and his friends bypassed the line. Jaz and Shayla looked at each other at the same time and rolled their eyes. This was something that Brisha did every weekend. She would dress up, go to the club and fish for men. Some of the time Jaz and Shayla would attend with her but most of the time she was on her own. Brisha wasn't ugly by any means but it was her hoeish ways that made her a hoodrat. She was pretty gorgeous with her caramel skin, 5 '6 frame and an athletic build that didn't exclude the female curves.

"Girl he does not want you" Shayla blurted. Brisha nudged her and started walking off behind them as if she was in their group. When they reached the bouncer he nodded and lifted the rope and Kylo and his crew slipped right in with Brisha behind them.

"What the hell! How did she just slip right in like that? Shayla yelled with her hands up, along with a couple of other people who were also waiting in the line.

"Girl you know this is her second home, she probably done fucked one of the bouncers knowing her," Jaz said.

After about ten more minutes of waiting, they finally made it in the door. The club was packed and it was hard to get through the thick crowd. Jaz grabbed a hold of Shayla's hand and they wormed their way through the crowd, to the bar.

"Two shots of Patron please," Shayla spoke and pulled out a crisp twenty.

"No need ma'am the shots are on the house tonight. Call it the beautiful lady discount." The sleazy bartender said and poured up the two shots.

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