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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

December, 2024

"You're almost there. We can see her head...In and out, Mrs Dantata. You're doing fantastic."

She could hear every breath she took in and every one she pushed out. The pain was searing and she tried to not think about it but it was impossible. Every push to get her little girl out sent her to the brink of death and brought her back. She held her husband's hand tightly, momentarily wondering if it would break it if she squeezed any harder.

He would not mind, she knew that much.

She followed the instruction of the labour coach and breathed. In and out. She could do it. She could get their little girl out. She just had to push some more. They could see her head, she could do it. She felt his fingers on her face, pushing her loosened hair back. The simple action caused her to open her eyes so she could look at him through her tears.

Zayd's smile was warm and his voice was soft. "You're doing great, sweetheart. We're almost there."

She felt the urge to push. "I'm not doing this again, Sa'ed."

He nodded. His smile stayed. "There's no problem with that at all. Let's just get her out first."

She stared at him for a moment longer before she gathered all the strength she could and pushed, a scream tearing out of her throat at the pain. It was the same routine; push, take a break to breathe and gather strength, push again. Zayd never stopped being supportive, softly kissing her face and hair at intervals.

Minutes later, the baby's head was out and she wondered if she suffered a tear because it hurt like hell. The little girl slid out easily after that and when the little miracle wailed, exhaustion weighed down on her body. They put her daughter on her chest and she could only stare in awe, the pain long forgotten.

She blinked back her tears. "Assalam Alaykum, sweetheart. You stressed the hell out of me but it's nice to finally meet you."

"She's looking like you."

She smiled at Zayd. "I think she's going to look like you."

He chuckled. "Let's not argue." He then kissed her hair for the thousandth time. "Thank you."

She closed her eyes, savouring the bliss of the moment. "You're welcome."

The door went open then and they turned. She smiled at the woman in the doorway who breathed heavily.

"I was about to ask how long it takes to get here from Riyadh. You missed it, Hanan."

Hanan smiled at the medical team and closed the door before she rushed to the other side of the bed.

"Yarah and Yazan were being stubborn." She told the new mother. "I was tempted to leave them in the hotel but I'm not wicked." Her face softened at the little girl. "Amal, she's pretty. She's going to look like you."

Amal glared at her. "Don't even try and side with your husband, you latecomer."

"I'm sorry!"

The doctors got their attention as the umbilical cord had to be cut. Zayd asked Hanan to do it and Amal gave her nod of approval immediately. Hanan's hands were shaky. With the doctor's guidance, she got the job done. The little girl was taken away for cleaning after being re-examined and Amal felt the absence immediately.

Hanan smiled, taking her other hand. "You'll see her soon. Just hang on a little...How did it go? I can't believe I missed it."

"I survived." Amal replied, flinching when she was asked to push one more time to deliver her placenta. "I'm never doing this again."

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