Part 14

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Win was in hospital, surrounded by his families and friends. Today is most important day for everyone as today doctors are going to remove Win's bandage. It has passed two weeks Win was on hospital after a successful cornea transplant operation. Bright kept his promise and become a raising eye-surgeon in short span of time. He never get failed in his job.

Both Bright and Win were so much happy when Bright came back to Thailand after four years. They were so much eager for operation, but their bad luck that Win had to wait almost a year to get a matching cornea. Sometime he almost loose hope, but Bright was there beside him every time. He was so optimistic .... his hard work paid off after ten months of searching.

Finally, after one month of waiting Bright confirmed an operation schedule of Win. He clearly remembered that day, how scared Win was at first, he almost freaked out when Bright didn't show up before operation. And he eventually clams down after knowing Bright was already in operation theatre.

It almost five years, Win was on last step to getting his eye sight back. The room filled with pin drop silent. Everyone holding their breath as Dr.Zyun slowly removing the bandage from Win's seems a happiness slowly unfolding in front of them. On other hand, Win was nervous, he gulped couple of times while fisted his cloth tightly when his heartbeat increased rapidly. "Stay clam Mr.Metawin. Relax your body." The doctor instructed. Dr.Zyun was a colleague of Bright, he loves him like his son..... he also knew of their relation.

Like everyone, he too knew that how much Win wanted Bright there to remove the bandage, but some unknown reason he was not there. "Bright was outside a minute ago, but I don't know where he is now!" Win's father wonder.

'what happened to him!' Win wonder, 'he promised me to stay beside me.' He released a shaky breath as he felt the last part of the bandage has removed. 'Maybe he has some emergency' he consoled himself.

"Mr.Metawin, please open your eyes slowly." Dr.Zyun instructed. Win felt his heart jumped up and beating near his throat; How much he wanted to hear Bright voice ..... how much he wanted to hold his hand to calm himself down. "Don't be tense, relax your nerves and open your eyes slowly"

Taking a deep breath Win does as the doctor instructed....he hold the bracelet tightly; Bright was not there, but his love always there for him. Smiled, Win opened his eyes as slow as possible and he can see some hazy dots.... Couple of seconds later those dots turned into hazy colours.....he blinked couple of times to overcome those haziness and it worked, those colours turned into blurry figures. His hands automatically went to his eyes, but the doctor stopped him, "Don't rub your eyes. Its harmful."

Win stopped, He repeatedly blinked his eyes and those blurred images slowly took their shapes and made crystal clear pictures. He saw two familiar and tensed faces were watching him with utmost eagerness. He looked at them smiling, "Mom, Dad"

Within a second the room filled with joy. His parents run and hugged him tightly, "Win" their voice cracked. His mother shade happy tears while kissed his head, "Win, my son. you don't know how much happy I am."

"I am sorry for troubling you so much, mom" Win asked while looking at his crying mother. He removed tears form her cheeks, "I am really sorry" his own eyes vapoured.

"You are our son. How could you trouble us!" his father replied while caressing his head. Win just leaned on the touch. He knew, his parents loved him so much, they supported Win's decision even they didn't like. They never forced him for operation, though they wanted it. They always respected Win's decision. They were too happy when he agreed for eye surgery.

"I love you" he said while hugged them. He closed his eyes, he understood that his parents were too worried for him and his future ..... and how a single decision lifted off their tension. Win sighed in happiness while enjoying the beautiful moments.

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