Part 10

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Win winced in pain, "Sorry" Bright apologized when draping bandage around his wrist, "just hold a little." He said. After a minute finally he finished his task, before smiled, "Lets go."

"Go where?"

"You forgot? I told to you to take to a special place!" He stated, looking his confused face. He chucked then zoomed his car as the younger smiled sheepishly. Win lean on seat relaxion, the atmosphere inside the car is calm. He never thought silent can be this comforting.....he closed his eyes and without realization he drifted into sleep.

Bright was looking at sleeping Win. Its been almost fifteen minutes they reached to their destination. But he didn't have heart to wake up Win, he looks so innocent in his peaceful, soft breeze playing with his hair.....and Bright wanted to look at him all night long; but he decided to wake him up, he has responsibility to take Win back home safely. He leaned a little and cupped his face, "Wake up Win." He called softly. After couple of calls Win finally wake up, he was confused at first, but soon realized that he was in Bright's car,

"Have we reached?"

Replied with affirmation, Bright went to other side of the car and open the door for Win. He took his hand and lead him to nearby area. It's a small cliff actually, protected by steel fence. The area was beautiful, surrounded by greenery and only illuminated with soft light of full moon. Soft breeze carrying sweet scent of unknown wild flowers. Topview of the city made the sight more appealing.

Win smiled, though he cant see, but the calmness of atmosphere, the fragrance of wildflowers, the smoothness of air .....he felt contained.... His heart filling with unknown happiness, its clearly shown on his face which glowing under soft moon light. Bright just mesmerised by him, he wanted to stay here with Win for rest of his life, "do you like this place?"

The later just smiled widely in response. "How do you know of this place?"

They are now standing near edge, holding hands, intertwined their fingers tightly, "I came here with my mother, when she was pregnant with my sister." Bright paused for a second, "my sister was very beautiful, I named her pear." The sadness in his voice was loud and clear, "I miss them." he almost chocked.

Win hold his hand tightly, rubbing his arm with other hand, "don't be sad, they are in better place."

"Win" Bright whispered, placing his head on Win's shoulder, "I miss them" he repeated, then pressed his face crook of his neck pulled him gently into a tight hug. "Bright" Win gasped in surprise; he didn't think of hugging the older. "Please stay" he tightens his arms around him, pressed his face more on his shoulder.

The world turned silent, murmuring sound of soothing breeze made the atmosphere calm. The only audible sound was their heartbeats. They could feel each other crazy heartbeat, their hearts were racing like crazily but rhythmically; and it sound like music to their ear. No one want to break the hug; it feels like they were missing puzzle pieces of each other's complete.

Bright pulled him closer circling his arms around, tighter. He closed his eyes then inhaling his scent....the later smell like cinnamon. Win shivered as his lips touched lightly, expose skin of his throat, automatically his fingers clutched the elder's shirts more tightly. They felt a strange but strong likeness for each other; No one can break the hug, like their life depends on it, "Win" his whisper finally broke the silence.


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"What!!" Win startled, out of shock he broke the hug, "W-What did y-you say?"

Bright scratch his head, his face turned pinkish, "Ahh, asking that....that...will you" he was very nervous as Win didn't reply. Is Win going to reject him?

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