Part 11

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Win didn't know, how those two days have passed. He faced pure torture when he thought about everything, specially of Bright. No matter how much he tried to convinced himself for his decision, but every time Bright's words echoes in his mind, 'I will support your every decision.' And everytime he felt like betraying him.....cheated of him.

Win closed his eyes tightly, how much that person loves him that he never thought twice to sacrifice his own dreams, just to make Win happy. Bright is willing to spend his entire life with a blind man, willing to take care of him, but will never force him to do anything against his will. And there was Luke! How could a person stoop so low to forced him and became the reason of his blindness. Not only that, he didn't even accept his fault! He just lied and came clear. How a doctor could be that much unethical?!

Win chuckled sadly, eyes burnt as he unknowingly compared them. Not at all! Bright doesn't deserve a comparison with Luke....ever! Maybe they were friends, but they were poles apart. Luke gave him eternal darkness, both physically and mentally; other hand, Bright is giving him hopes, sharing his dreams, penetrating new kind of emotions in his heart. Win always wanted someone who loves him without judging, now he got Bright.

Win sighed, was his decision worthy enough? First time in he was in dilemma. He was so confused to make decision. His mind wanted to stick to previous decision, but his heart says otherwise. His each and every thought turned towards Bright.....he even felt himself a selfish person who wanted nothing but his own happiness. But, if Win stick to his decision, then will he be happy with Bright in future? Will he not feel guilty? Will he give the latter the same unconditional love which he deserves?


He startled at sudden call. He forgot that its his mother's daily routine to come his room for small talks.

"Why are you awake?" she placed her soft hand on his forehead, "Its already late."

Silently he placed his head on her lap, holding her tightly.

"What happened dear?"

He didn't know, how to share his thought, so its better to remain silent.

"Are you thinking of Bright? Are you in trouble?" She asked with a frown, his voice was full of worry. A small smile formed in Win's lips, "I cant hide anything from you? Do I?"

"No" she too smiled, "now tell me what happen? Wait.... Is that Bright guy not good for you? Did he harass you by any chance? Did he tried to do bad things to you?....wait!! did he do something bad to you? How could his name is Bright, when he has so much darkness. How a bad person he is when his father is a very good man. How could he--"

"Mom...Mom....Please stop." Win tried to stop his mother to rant of accusing Bright in every possible way and made a bad impression of him.

"He is not a bad person mom" Win said with a smile, "He even gave this—" He rises his arms in front of his face to show his mother the bracelet, "And---" he trailed off, suddenly flashed.


"He proposed me." He said, then his voice changed its emotion, "He promised to support my every decision. Whatever decision it will be, he will always support me." His voice trembled, "He even willing to sacrifice his dreams for me." A drop of tear falls down from corner of his left eye. He sobbed when his mother kissed his head, "Mom" he hugged his mother tightly, unable to express his own feelings, so he just crying silently.

His mother just holds her son tightly, rubbed his back to sooth him. "Win" She called when Win finally clam down, "I can understand son. I can understand your turmoil.... It is not easy to make any decision."

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