Part 8

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"How was your date?"

"Mom, please, I don't want to talk about it." Win replied, he really irritated when his parents asked for third time. He was so heartbroken, only he knows how he handled himself yesterday. He felt like to burnt down everything around him, but he just shrugged when his parent asked as he didn't want to show his broken heart to them. That night he announced that Bright wasn't a suitable match for him and he doesn't think they will go further. Mr. and Mrs. Iamkajorn shocked at first, they were so sure that Bright was the one for their son; he was honest, caring, mature and most important, he truly loves their son......they saw true love in his eyes; And not only that Bright is handsome and in a million combination. Well, they would be happy to have Bright as their son-in-law. It's okay if they didn't click together, but Win's behaviour was weird, there was something off of him. It seems, something happened between them and Win decided to hid it. They can call Bright to know anything about their date, but they choose to talk to Win first. Because, he is their son, and he is their first priority, Win is most important than Bright in their life. That why they constantly asking him about his date, they tried hard to know the truth.

"Why don't you like him? What he did?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Win replied with a grumpy face, stumming guitar absentmindedly.

"Okay, as you say so." His mother said, "but, has he done anything wrong to you? ......just tell us son, we will teach that boy a lesson!"

"No mom....he didn't do anything at all!!" he annoyed by those silly questions.

"He didn't do anything? Really? Do you want to me believe this?" his father raised his brows, "then why do my cheerful Win turned grumpy since yesterday?"

"I am not grumpy. I just don't like him."

"it's okay if you don't want to tell us. But, don't make opinion quickly. Think before make final decision."

Win just nodded, he doesn't have any courage to tell anything about yesterday. He just keeps stumming his guitar, he didn't pay any attention to off-key sound and he doesn't bother to correct it too. Mr. and Mrs. Iamkajorn looked at each other meaningfully, then asked, "I don't like my son become silent." She placed her hand on his head, soothing his hair, "it's okay to be heartbroken. It will help you to keep going in your life.....with more strength. Heartbreaks make you stronger."

"Is it mom?"

"Yes dear. Look at yourself, Luke incident made you stronger than before." She kissed his head lovingly, "and Bright was heartbroken too, after knowing his best friend's deed."

Win alarmed, "H-His friend? Who is his friend?"

"Luke. Luke was his friend."

Win turned rigid, "Luke Plowden?!"

"Ahh! It's okay Win, we know how much you hate him and we are sorry for mentioned of him."

"What about him?" Win asked eagerly, completely ignoring his father's apology, "Did Bright mention of him to you?"

"Yah, Luke is Bright's childhood friend." Mrs.Iamkarjon nodded, "he told us in our first meeting and later we confirmed it by his father."

"You knew?!" his eyes got bigger in shock. He didn't aspect his parents knew. He wanted to hide this fact just to save Bright's reputation. He didn't want his parents to hate Bright for it; though he hates him, but still care for his reputation in front of his parents, "Then, why you didn't tell me?"

"Actually, we didn't want to hurt you." His mother sighed, "We thought, you two would click; and this simple fact wasn't so important." She sighed again, "We didn't want to ruin your happiness, so we stopped him to tell you. I thought, it was good for your relationship."

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