Chapter 9

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"I can't believe that I got separated from the boys!"

Ruffnut told herself while whining as she gets lost throughout the tunnels.

She is almost going to have a fit when she notices some dragon eggs laying on nests.

Not only that, she can hear a dragon patrolling the area.

Ruffnut then goes to hiding waiting for the dragon to leave before going in another direction.

Unaware of her surroundings, a hand clasped onto her mouth to keep her quiet as she tries to get out.


Said the responsible surprising Ruffnut.

She then turned to see Astrid right in front of her.

"Cried out loud, and the babies will awake."

The shieldmaiden said.

"Let's leave the hatchery for a moment."

And with that, Astrid escorted Ruffnut out of the hatchery.

Once they're out, Ruffnut embraces the maiden causing her to have ugly cries.

"Do you know how worried I am, girl?!"

She exclaimed and the blind rider comforts her.

"There, there, Ruff. There, there."

Astrid said until Ruff pulls away.

"By the way, how come you didn't get eaten by dragons?"

Asked the feminine twin.

"I was taken in by the Haddock family."

Astrid's answer shocks Ruffnut.

"Haddock? As in, the whole Haddock family?"

She asked.

"Yeah. Stoick, Valka, and Hiccup Haddock. Speaking of which, we better catch up with them because you, Gobber, and the boys trespassed the dragon territory. You are lucky that some humans are living here."

Astrid then whistles to summon Luna causing Ruffnut to shriek upon the dragon's arrival.

"Don't worry. She's not going to hurt you."


Gobber wasn't expecting something like he just saw a ghost.

Right in front of him was the Haddock couple sitting at the glowing glacier whispering worries and comforts to one another until their conclusion.

Once they were done, they turned to face the blacksmith.

"Long time no see, Gobber."

Valka said.

"W-w-wha-? But how?!"

Gobber finally finds a voice.

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