Chapter 4

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In a misty glow of the territory of dragon trappers, a dragon was caged underground.

The dragon tries to be shown in the light, but a trapper scolds it to be quiet.

As the trapper soon left, a black dragon appeared in the mist hanging on the wall.

Their rider climbs down the tower before knocking the trapper out.

Hiccup soon approaches the dragon trying to calm it down and gain its trust.

Once it's settled, he signals another dragon to remove the bars before they are ambushed by other trappers.

Hiccup does the backup call while burning the nets with his blazing blade and cornering one of the dragon trappers.

The backup dragons came and many of which released the imprisoned.

Skullcrusher managed to open the cage of one of the trapped dragons as the said creature soared into the foggy air.

Hiccup retrieved Toothless and narrowly escaped the clutches of the trappers' palms.

With one last attack, the Rumblehorn fires at the tower causing it to fall to the ground.

And with that, the dragons fly into the mist away from the base.

"That was close."

Hiccup said.

"You know that we still need to be more careful."

Stoick commented.

"I know. Right now, let's stop by Caldera Bay for recovery, alright?"

Hiccup replied.


The two riders and their flock reached their destination.

It's a volcanic island inhabited by humans who protected the dragons, especially their "Great Protector".

During the family's rescue mission, they spotted some dragon hunters trying to kidnap an Eruptodon from inside the volcano.

They knew that without the lava-eating dragon, the volcano would erupt leaving the island to smoke and ashes.

They soon managed to rescue the dragon later that day and were brought home with the help of Gronkles.

That's when they found out that the Caldera Bay was inhabited by a clan known as the Defenders of the Wing and they are glad that the Eruptodon was now safe and sound.

In the end, they celebrate as their alliance is now with the Haddock Family and the Dragon Sanctuary.

The celebration was cut short when one of the defenders spotted two Vikings washed ashore from a shipwreck.

Turns out, they were the children of Oswald the Agreeable from Berserker Island and they left home due to their father's agreement to the marriage.

Soon, they became members of the Defenders and swore their duties to protect the dragons.

Back to the story, they reached the plaza where they greeted the queen of the Defenders.

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