Chapter 6

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Hiccup and Stoick came back the next day from the voyage with new dragons starting to live with the alpha.

Once they landed, they were soon approached by Valka.

"Welcome back. How did it go?"

Valka asked.

"After our stop at Caldera Bay, everything happened as always."

Hiccup answered dismounting Toothless.

"How's Astrid?"

He asked.

"She tries to process things."

The mother said taking the hammer from the father.

Once they unbuckle everything, the Night Fury went elsewhere while the family, and Skullcrusher, are heading to their cave for lunch.


Toothless heads to the cave where the dragons are still recovering and see the Light Fury staring at her basket of fish.

"Hi, Luna."

The white dragon looks up to see where the source of sound comes from.

"Oh, hi Toothless."

Luna said.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm okay. You?"


Luna looks back at the fish which the Night Fury notices.

"What's wrong?"

He asked.

"It's about the blind Viking elsewhere in the nest."

Her answer makes sense.

"Yeah, I know that feeling. Hers is way worse."

Toothless said as he sits next to her.

"I mean, I kinda feel bad for her after she experienced the things I do in the past. I just wish I would understand, but, after my encounter with humans before yours, I'm having a hard time trusting them since the bad ones did bad things."

"Well, sometimes, when you live in a world where you were isolated from reality, it's hard to choose whether we choose to trust strangers or not. I mean, I know who's responsible for the extinction of my kind, but I was still bonding with a human of my age. There are many ways to learn with one another, and that's okay. We were trusted not to be killed by one another."

Toothless looks at Luna's eyes.

"Luna, if you wish to face the future, go for it. Nobody is gonna stop you from reaching what you wish to reach."

Luna thinks about it for a moment.

"Well, I guess I gotta go because I need to eat my fish."

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