Chapter 7

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Over a day or two, Astrid and Luna started to bond very easily.

The first step, let the rider obey their dragon on where to go, but only on land because Astrid is too scared to fly just yet.

Next, two bonds must share one such as halves of the first which Astrid resists puking because she doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

Lastly, have the rider and dragon in the same room.

This means that Astrid and Luna must share a room during slumber.

Astrid started to get on board with her surroundings.

But, this is just the beginning.

There are more ways to do it soon.


Dawn broke slumber and every dragon is getting ready for their new day.

Astrid, knowing that she was in the same room as Luna, started to warm up to get ready for the day.

She had a feeling that someone might be present in her way.

Speaking of the word present,

"Good morning, Astrid."

Hiccup walks into their cave greeting the blonde.

"Morning, Hiccup."

Astrid spoke back.

"Ready to start your new day?"

He asked.

"Sure. I need to wake up Luna first, then we get to start."

She replied.

Hiccup smiled before leaving for his morning flight.

"Luna, it's time to wake up."

Astrid said waking the Light Fury up.

Luna groans as she opens her eyes and gives her a 'really' look.

"Come on, girl. We've got a whole day ahead of us."

The blonde said and the white dragon gives in and joined her.

Astrid mounts Luna as she trusts her not to let her fall and fly off after the boys.

Hiccup is glad to see them settling in with the new environment before they turn to race into the tunnels.

Afterward, Astrid sits at the edge of a cliff when Hiccup comes to serve her his father's squid stew.

The blonde seemed to be enjoying the breakfast as dragons swarmed around and followed the alpha.

"What are they doing?"

Astrid asked.

"The dragons are following the alpha for their feeding time."

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