Chapter 10

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"Ugh! Let me go you little..."

Snotlout shouted as he tried to get rid of the baby dragons swarming him.

"They're babies, Snotlout. They listen to no one."

Hiccup said walking in with a plate full of jugs and cups.

"And why should I listen to you?"

The black-haired inheritor challenges.

"Snotlout, this is a dragon territory. You better follow or you will get in big trouble."

Astrid intervenes with a tray of fish in hand.

Snotlout just growled.

Meanwhile, Stoick, Valka, and Gobber are talking to one another about them alive and how they live differently.

On the other hand, Fishlegs is just so close to touching Toothless in excitement as the black dragon steps back a little in terror.

As for the twins, they got a lot into trouble as an elder pair of zippleback took them back to the kitchen in annoyance.

"This is just PERFECT! At first, we were here for camping, and the next thing we knew, we were in dragon territory with Vikings living among them! JUST perfect!"

Snotlout rants about his complaints as Hiccup rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Just then, Cloudjumper crawls in and scares the babies off, but Snotlout steps back in irritation before he takes the plate Astrid offers.

"Uh, not to be rude, but do you think we could bring them back home after this?"

Tuffnut asked as he takes a handful of food.

"Well, I've been in your home before in the forest. That is where I hid my rescued dragons from the queen."

Hiccup said.

Fishlegs perk up in excitement.

"So, you've been at the nest?!"

Fishlegs asked.

"Don't get too excited there, because defeating her is overcomplicated."

He replied as he fills a cup with water.

"Overcomplicated? How big is that queen?"

Ruffnut asked.

"According to them, she's as massive as a mountain, and she can swallow any dragon we see in just one bite if they don't bring enough food to her."

Astrid said sitting next to Ruffnut by the fire.

"That big? Can't this Queen bleed?"

Tuffnut asked.

"Dragons as big as her have durable skin that is- like other dragons- fireproof upon contact with fire. However, they aren't fireproof on the inside so it is possible to defeat her."

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