Chapter 3

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Hiccup just finished sketching his recent invention in his room by his desk.

He knew that he needed to go to bed, but there are so many things to do.

After his encounter with Astrid, he couldn't help but decide to listen to his parents about flying toward the archipelago that is filled with bloodthirsty dragon slayers praying for those who raided their homes.

"I hope that's a good idea."

Hiccup thought.

He looks at his to-do list for tomorrow to see that his next move is to rescue more dragons from hunters and trappers with his dad.

With a slight nod, he blew out the candles and went to bed, hoping that everything will be fine.


Astrid wakes up the next morning upon hearing the sound of how dragons speak.

She jumped and cornered herself knowing that she didn't have her axe with her.

She knows that she's aware of her surroundings by sound, and upon hearing the dragons further, she gave herself a confusing look.

Instead of raging growl and fire-breathing, she only hears chirps and clicks, alongside the sound of consumption, probably them eating their food.

She then hears footsteps and Valka's hums as she walks in with a tray of breakfast only to find her guest backing up at the frozen wall.

"Astrid, are you okay?"

Valka asked.

"Did you and your family mind that there are dragons in your home?"

Astrid exclaimed.

Knowing what she meant, the mother chuckled.

"My apologies. I just realized that you're from the world of Viking where slaying dragons is necessary."

She said leaving Astrid in shock.

"So, you're saying that you guys lived in the dragons' nest?"

"If it's not the one who raided Berk, then yes."

Astrid gives her a blank expression.


She asked.

"We're in the northeast, not northwest because while that island there is coated with smog, this island here is coated with glaciers. Every nest has queens. Right now, we're in the home of the king of all dragons."

Astrid thinks about it for a second before asking Valka.

"If I may ask, why did the dragons raid for the food?"

"Good dragons under the control of bad people... do bad things."

"I see."

Astrid said in realization before adding,

"So, it's like, imagine the dragons as bees, and the leaders are queens. And by that, that means they were controlled by that queen."

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