Chapter 2

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The young maiden slowly opens her eyes to see pitch blackness, as always.

However, some cold air hits her skin which shivers her spine.

She then hears footsteps coming before she pretends to sleep thinking that she is imprisoned.

"I know you're awake. It's okay, you're not imprisoned."

The voice of a middle-aged woman spoke.

Leaving no choice, the young maiden gets up from bed.

"How are you feeling?"

Asked Valka.

"Cold, and dizzy."

Said the maiden.

"Here, have some herb tea."

Valka said handing her a cup of tea.

"Thank you."

The maiden replied carefully taking the tea and drinking it.

"Tell me, what happened to you that led you shipwrecked?"

Asked Valka.

"I... escaped..."



"Who did it?"


Valka gasped upon hearing the family name.

"What's your name, dear?"

Valka asked.

"Astrid, Astrid Hofferson."

Answered the maiden.

"So, you're the daughter of Ingrid Hofferson."

Astrid is surprised to hear it.

"You knew my mother?"

"I do. She's my friend."

"Wait. Are you... Valka Haddock?"


Astrid went shocked.

"But, how?! Everyone believes that you're dead, alongside your son and the chief!"

The maiden exclaimed.

"It's a long story. But for now, you need rest."

Valka said as she lays Astrid down back on the bed.

Astrid sighs.


She said.

"Call me when you need me."

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