Chapter 8

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Astrid is starting to get along with the residents of the sanctuary.

She welcomed the newly rescued dragons and was often hanging out in the hatchery to help the mothers and hatchlings.

Most importantly, Valka offered her to train so Astrid would defend herself against her kind.

Everything seems to be cleared in the portrait until some uninvited guests arrive.


The rain became heavy on the glacier island this week.

Astrid is helping Valka to prepare lunch when a blue Terror flew in.

"Intruder, intruder!"

Said the tiny dragon as she lands on Astrid's arms.

"What are they?"

Astrid asked.

"Campers. Five younglings, and one elder. At the west coast."

"Thank you for informing us, Sneaky."

Afterward, Sneaky flew off.

"I'll go check there."

Astrid said to Valka.

"Be careful, okay?"

Valka replied.

With Luna prepped and ready, the two set out to seek the intruders.


Astrid's reaction is not what she had expected.

At first, she only thought that it was the hunters trying to invade the nest, but what she only found were locals from Berk, more specifically, Gobber the Belch and the 'gang'.

Turns out, they are here for a survival camp to see who will survive the best in the wild.

Astrid tells Luna to stay behind the glaciers while she goes there solo to examine them.

Upon peeking, she finds a conclusion.

Gobber is being Gobber, Fishlegs is still a bookworm, the twins got new haircuts as Ruffnut's hair became short while Tuffnut had dreadlocks, and Snotlout still whines about her still going missing.

Astrid rolled her eyes at it.

She's about to leave them when she accidentally stepped on a piece of ice which caused her to earn their attention.

Leaving no choice, she immediately fled out of the scene under the shadows and headed back to Lula before flying back into the sanctuary.

"What in Odin's name was that?"

Gobber asked out loud.

"It could be a dragon!"

Fishlegs exclaimed in excitement.

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