She looked to the side and saw that the door of the flat next to hers was slightly open. She was a bit curious, so she approached the door quietly. However, when she was going to ring the bell, the door opened widely.


Her eyes widened after seeing who was the person staring at her in the same way.


"Oh.. Jimin? That's your name, right?"

Jimin nodded slowly, blinking her eyes quickly. Minjeong felt awkward so she just scratched her neck's nape with her hand.

"Mmm... alright."

This is awkward Kim Minjeong, so awkward...

"Erm... do you want to drink a coffee?"


"Oh, of course...It doesn't bother you, right?"

"No, far from it."

Minjeong turned a bit and opened her door a bit more wider, "Enter."

"Thank you," She said and bowed lightly, flashing her a bright smile. Doing as if she was still in her birth country, she took her shoes off and walked inside of the house with a spare pair of slippers. She looked around. The structure was a perfect copy of her own apartment, only the decoration changed. Most of it were pictures of what she supposed was her family.

"Do as if you were at home," She said, closing the door, and walking towards the kitchen. Jimin turned for a moment and caught sight of her walking wearing her jeans and an unbuttoned white shirt, with a colorful t-shirt under it.

She glanced back at her family photos. She saw her parents, and, apparently, she had one sister and two brothers. She caught the frame in her hands and smiled. She looked so youthful in that photograph.

Minutes passed by and she didn't even realize. Suddenly, she startled her.

"Jimin?" She said, staring at her. Jimin gasped and quickly put the frame back on its place.

"Y-yeah?" She turned to her left.

She chuckled and approached her, "Your coffee's done."

"Oh... thanks."

"That's my family."


"My sister's Ning Ning, my older brother is Chanyeol and my small dongsaeng is Mark. "

Both sat on the couch and Jimin took a sip of her own coffee. Minjeong looked at her for a moment and smiled lightly, "What about your family?"

Jimin gazed back at her and smiled sadly.

"If you know who Yu Banks owner is, then you should know me."

Her eyes widened and she stuttered for a moment. No wonder her name was familiar from somewhere.

"...You're the Yu Jimin?"

Jimin giggled softly and looked down, "My mother passed away when I was a baby and my father's always busy with work, so...yeah."

"Ah... I'm so-"

"Don't be sorry, I got used to it already."


"So, what's your favorite music genre?" Minjeong asked her, trying to lift up the mood.

"R&B and classical music. I like songs that can calm me down. I can also play the piano. Actually, I brought one with me."

"Do airplanes allow that?"

"I have a private jet."

Oh, right. She's only the daughter of the richest man in Korea.

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