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17 plus two

We have a situation

Houston we got a situation


I didn't get that

Don't mind them
So I may have ask manager to give a free day to rest
Since I caught Hoshi sleep in the bathroom

He did what?


I was brushing my teeth and leaned in the wall
I slept
I was so tired

I will sue HYBE

You work for them

I always have SM

No way in hell
You stay at HYBE

I think you look a little bit green

Shut up Thomas

Don't treat him like that!

Hana come here
Me and Minghao have something to show you

Oh that's right
It arrive today

What arrived?
And why you're stealing my girlfriend?

Get used to it

At least now you can say fiancé 💍

Don't give him ideas
Give me 20 minutes and I'll be there
You want me to bring something?



That's my boys

Hannie ♥️

Why they're your boys and what Minghao and Jun have for you?

Secret 🤫

Tell me







Still no

Romantic dinner?


Romantic night?


I love you 💕

I love you too but still no

When you arrived I'll kidnap you

Good luck on that

Good luck on that

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haa_na 🏎🏎🏁

minij and the winner is 🥁
Ye_jun Hana

Jay.la my racer ♥️

iamareum you made my heart race 😚

Hijia slay 🔥

User1 it's giving me seventeen " anyone" vibes

User2 🔥

User3 I saw you at the airport with TXT, you're so pretty

Scoups along with Areum also went to the dorms, he didn't want to admit but he got jealous that everyone was going there and didn't said anything.

When he entered, the 97'line was in their room talking, mainly Dk and Mingyu bickering. Woozi was on his home studio while Hoshi was seeing past performances. Dino and Wonwoo were playing as Vernon was on the couch next to them resting. Jun and Joshua were out getting dessert for all of them and Seungkwan was still out as he had a variety show to go.


He was in his room laying in bed watching TV.

"I guess from your face that Hana isn't here yet"

"What gave it away?"

"Your room unlock" Scoups said smirking as he sat next to him " you all didn't invited me to come. Only Hana"

"You're here aren't you?"

"You little b- Hana! You're here" Scoups got up but not before flicking Jeonghan "Areum is probably waiting for me in the living room if she didn't join Wonwoo playing"

"Too late" Hana said chuckling " should I be worry seeing you and Scoups alone?"

"No, but you should be worry talking French alone in my bedroom" he said lifting her up and pushing her into the wall and locking the door at the same time.

"Hannie..." Hana was about to speak when he kiss her neck making her heart jump a beat "we can't"

"We can" his kissed stoped at her neck and one of his hand went to her cheek " you're so adorable with your red cheeks. How can I resist this?" He continue kissing her until they heard a knock on the door

"Jeonghan! Why is the door lock?" It was Joshua that probably was home after buying the desserts

Hana's eyes opened up and she quickly got off Jeonghan, checking in the mirror if she looked ok

"Jeonghan?" Joshua asked again as the boy was laughing at how cute his girlfriend looks

"Yeah sorry, I'm just out of the shower. Give me 10 minutes"

"Why? It's not like I never saw -"

"10 MINUTES" Jeonghan yelled while this time was Hana giggling watching Jeonghan embarrassed

"Tonight I'm sleeping at your place"

"No, I was actually thinking sleeping here. Yejun boyfriend is staying in for tonight" she said giving him peck as his hand goes through her hair

"No problem angel. I think we need a house"

"Not yet"

"Not yet... so in a month?"

"1 year maybe"

"Angel in one year what you'll be signing is our marriage certificate" he said making her blush even her ears "let's go out before Joshua comes in"

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