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Hannie ♥️

Tour life 😴

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Tour life 😴

Having fun?

But it's exciting
The boys are so happy
Jay is thrilled everything is going well
Yesterday we all went eating sea food
It was a nightmare


Jay is allergic
But didn't wanna say anything because the boys really wanted to go

And he ate?

But only by touching he got a reaction
I had to go with him to the urgency room
I spent all night there
And Minjae called to know how he was
And to give me a lecture how could I let him do that

Knowing you
You did say something but Jay ignored

Minjae was an idiot
Buts it's ok now
He's still resting

In his room?

Hannie ....

Just a question angel

What happened there babe?

Just practicing like crazy
Tomorrow leaving for 3 concerts
Then arriving
Then wait for you to come home ♥️

Call me when you land
Just 2 more weeks

Then you won't leave your bed for 3 days
With me of course

You know I don't live alone

Yejun doesn't mind
He's gonna go on vacay with Sehun

How do you know that?

I talk with him
I even had dinner at your place two days ago

I don't know if that's sweet or scary


You're stealing my friends

You did to!
Even my son
Mingyu makes you food regularly
Minghao often goes to your office to work with you
Dino goes there to rest
and I saw tangerines....

They love me more

So I stole Yejun

Give me my friend back

Come here and take him
I miss you Angel

Hannie ♥️

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