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haa_na 👋

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haa_na 👋

Ye_jun my cutie pie  ♥️

Jay.la white?! Who are you?

Minij ok you're adorable
hijia I agree but 👀

iamareum marry me  💍
Haa_na and I ups

Hana's bodyguards 👓

I realize something but it was too late
And know Jia is mad at me

That she's too good for you

That's she's perfect for you?
But that's wouldn't make her unhappy

That she'll never win against me?


We all would choose Jia


You fucking pricks
After all I done for you

She notices she was not here
In this chat
And got mad at me
Hana speak with her

Just add her
I'll speak with her

Minjae added Jia

After months.

You're right
But it was not because we didn't want to
We just didn't remember
We're so sorry

We usually talk personally
We use this chat barely

We just use this to speak trash about other people

It's joking
We never speak badly about anyone

If you don't want me here I can just leave

Don't !

Babe stay
We want you here

Can you bring me coffee if you're coming here

I swear Jay

I'll bring some
Who's there?

Am at work
But thanks anyway 😘

Today was supposedly a calm day for both Hana and the boys. They were goofing around in their room as Hana could hear when she passed by the hall and she was just working on New Jeans outfits.

"Knock knock" Dino and Scoups entered her office and sat on the couch

"Hey boys" she smiled at them " what are you doing here?"

"Aish, do we need a reason to be here?" Scoups rolled his eyes

"We wanted a little bit of silence and your office is the best place" Dino got up and kissed Hana cheek

"If Jeonghan saw that you would be dead"

"He's too protective, we never have Hana for ourselves" Dino said making Hana laugh

"You're so cute" Hana said squeezing Dino's cheek "you can rest here, I'm almost done so after we can eat something. Do you want me to turn off the music for you?"

"No leave it, it's good in here" Scoups was already laying down with his eyes closed as for Dino he pulled a chair and sat next to Hana to watch her work.

After some time, Dino slowly leaned his head to Hana shoulder and felt asleep. Hana giggled as his innocence.

She felt like they were her family too, all this time she had Jay,Minjae and Yejun with her but now? She has a lot more people she care for and would fight for.

"I knew they would be in here" Jeonghan said as he walked in seeing his members with his girlfriend "hey Angel" he kissed her head trying not to wake up Dino

"Are you going home?"

"No, they're still practicing.... Kinda" he chucked "but this two were gone for too long and they asked me to check on them. I had a feeling they would be here"

"They wanted to rest. Scoups is sleeping for almost an hour"

"Is Dino hurting you? I can change him to my shoulder"

"He's not. Let him be" Hana smiled holding Jeonghan hand

"Ok. I'm going to practice. When they wake up come to our room"

Hana continue her work when she felt Dino stearin at his sleep, he open his eyes and was surprised he sleepy in that position

"I'm so sorry Hana, I must have hurt you" he apologize looking at her shoulder

"No, I'm alright"

"I'm gonna wake up Scoups. The boys are probably looking for us"

"Jeonghan was here a while ago. Leave Scoups rest a little more and we'll go to them"

They both left trying not to make to much noise , as they were walking to their room. They noticed a lot of noise, girls were screaming.

Dino rush to the practing room and what Hana saw was heartbreaking.

The girls screaming were in fact cheering as Harin was on her tippy toes kissing Jeonghan.

"Get off me!" He yelled even without noticing Hana but the moment he look at the door he saw her face and her tears. His heart broke.

"What are you saying? Let's get together again baby"

That moment Hana left the room and Dino ran after her as well Minghao and Jun.

"Harin, you're a girl but I promised if you touch me again you're done" he said running away from the room.

When he arrived at her office, her door was lock and he can hear her crying

17 plus two

Open the door !


what happened

Go away Jeonghan

What the fuck happened

Harin kissed him

That bitch is dead

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