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"Jay come on!"

"Hana I swear I will spank you. We just woke up"

"It's Paris and we're leaving today."

"You'll never win against her, you better give up" Minjae said laughing as Hana is dragging Jay up the street

"I should had brought a warmer coat" Yejun said shivering a little

Hana, Minjae and Jay know each other since high school and later met Yejun at uni. Now they're inseparable, due to Hana getting a job at Hybe as a stylist they decided to celebrate by coming to Paris for a little getaway.

"So what's the plan for today?" Minjae asked her.

"I want to get breakfast near the louvre, there's a coffee shop that I search and looks pretty good"

"Let's go before you change your mind.... Like always" Jay said wrapping an arm around her

They arrived there, it was a vintage coffe shop with few people actually. It was early morning, so people were still sleeping.

"How are you felling about your new job?" Yejun asked her

"Excited, I hope I get a girl group. I don't any drama with boys"

"Hmmm Sakura is so cute I would love to work with her" Yejun said going in to dreamland

"You work at SM, with Aespa. I think you're good" she said rolling her eyes

"Actually Mark asked me about you. He saw you when you were there for the interview. Can't believe you chose Hybe instead of SM. We could work together..."

"But I'm at Hybe so she chose me" Jay said sticking out his tongue "and Mark better watch out. I don't give her to anyone"

"You protecter her like a baby" Minjae said "let her live a bit. Mark seems nice"

"He's really talented"

"No no, look the other way" Jay said covering her eyes " at Hybe you have to many handsome mans, how I'm gonna do this?"

"Like high school, make a rumor that you're dating"

" wait... you did what?! That's why no one asked me out" Hana slapped his arm

"Ouch thanks Minjae"

"He's gonna stalk you in the company." Yejun smirked "come to me Hana. SM is calling you"

"Nah I'm fine with Hybe. Thanks"

The boys left Hana while she was paying, the boy after her which who was also Korean was having trouble talking with the waitress so Hana decided to help

"She's asking you what table were you"

"Oh, the one next to the window"

"He was over there"  she answered in fluent French  which surprised the boy

"Thanks, let me pay for your coffee" he suggested

"No you don't have to" she said smiling " I already payed. Have a nice stay, bye"

The boy chucked and proced to pay.

"Why you're laughing?" His friend asked him

"Nothing, just an interesting girl"

"Jeonghan interested in a French girl?"

"Hmmm she spoke Korean too" he said smiling

"Hmmm she spoke Korean too" he said smiling

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haa__na You have my heart Paris 🇫🇷

yee_ju je t'aime

jay.la you have mine ♥️
minij  🚨

"Come on Hana, we're gonna lose the flight" Minjae said as the girl was looking at the ground

"I don't know where is my bracelet"

"I can buy you another one" Jay said winking at her but it doesn't matter to her. That bracelet was special.

"It was my moms..." she said and all the looks at the boys eyes soften, they know how much she misses her

"Breathe, let's look in our bags when we arrived, ok?" Yejun suggested

"But if it's here?"

"We can't go look around, we don't have any time and we were all over the place. It's impossible" Minjae said cupping her cheek noticing she was on the verge of crying

Her mom died 2 years ago to cancer. She felt like the world had crumbled if it was not her friend being there for her. Jay bring her junk food, Minjae listening to her or Yejun convince her to move in with him.

They have safe her for depression and she could never repay that.

Arriving at home, all of them opened their suitcases for her to check if the bracelet was there....

"It's not here!" She yelled "I lost her" she started to cry, the guys shared a look between them and Minjae hugged her while Jay started cooking and Yejun continue searching.

"It's ok Hana, we're here. She's looking after you you don't need the bracelet to remember her. I know she's your everything and you miss her"

"I was careless"

"Let it go, cry all you want. We're here for you"

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