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haa_na ☀️

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haa_na ☀️

minij looking good 😉

jay.la my girl glowing 😯

ye_jun 😏

User1 beautiful

User2 you look way too good

User3 it's 9am and I'm blind by you

17 plus one

Who hang out with Jeonghan last night?
He's still sleeping

He came late
It was almost 3am

I don't believe it

We were all home....
I thought he went out with Scoups

I was at home

But we know where he was 😉

Secret plan 😈

Listen closely

This is a bad idea

Why another chat?

Jeonghan is not here
I'll add

Our boy Jeonghan was with Hana yesterday
For the second date
Sorry Jun

He didn't tell us nothing

They're dating?

If he came at that time I would believe so

Another couple 🤮

Why this new chat?

What it's your plan?

So I spoke with Hana
She's nervous
It's her first thing
And you know Jeonghan
He doesn't know what "normal" people want so
We could help them seal the deal

You want us to help them have sex?
I think he knows the procedure


You idiot
For them to date

I think he's doing fine

But I like Hana and I don't wanna gamble on him
Let's help him

What are you thinking?

"Hana save me" Jay said as he lays in her office sofa

"What happened?"

"I'm tired. I need your kiss" he puckering his lips

"Yah kiss your pillow. Now tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing, was just tired and wanted to see you. Lately I haven't seen you enough"

"That's sweet. My dad said that you two are going fishing next weekend"

"We are, my dad is going too. Wanna come?"

"Fishing for hours? No thanking you. But send my regards to your dad"

"You're too busy now. Workaholic like Minjae. How will you find a boyfriend like that?"

"When will you let me find a boyfriend?"

"Never in a million years" he smiled before Hana phone buzzed "Mark?"

"No Areum, she's inviting me to eat with Seventeen"

"And meeee?" He whined

"Find a girl like Minjae"

"But I got you" he said while Hana took her stuff  and kissed his head

"Rest and don't forget to lock it up"

When Hana reach at the dorms, the person who opened the door was Jeonghan who let the girl in.

"Where's Areum?"

"Areum? I don't know. Have you tried her home?"

"She told me to meet her here for dinner"

"That's weird, there's nobody here. They left to eat-" he was cut off by a call

"Scoups, where are you?"

"Worry about the person infront of you. Mingyu prepared dinner for both of you, Woozi prepared the playlist and Joshua selected the movie. Enjoy your date. We'll be coming only you two get together. Areum's orders" he hang up without giving a chance to Jeonghan answer

"So they though we needed a third date" he said chuckling " I'm pretty sure we're lock inside"

"Why they arrange this?"

"Want to see us together, their not the only ones"

"Who else?"

"Me" Jeonghan said looking straight at her "but that's another conversations. Wait a minute let me set the table for us to eat."

"I'll help you" Hana said taking the bowls for the rice

They ate while talking about work, about the company and many things. When Hana stood up to clean, Jeonghan took the plates out of her hand

"Go, I clean"

"No I can-"

"Go before I show your video to everyone"

"You told you would deleted" she said pouting over the couch

"Call me Hannie again and I will"


"So it'll stay in my phone"

"Smartass" she murmured

"What you said?" He asked


"Thought so" he said as he cleans the kitchen

After he cleaned all, he notice she was almost asleep in the couch, so he grabbed a blanket and put on top of her.

He sat next to her and put the movie on, with almost no volume because he wanted to give her some rest.

"You look pretty sleeping" he murmured as he put a strand of hair away from her face

"You know I can hear you" she open her eyes not expecting for him to be so close to her

"So let me tell you again... you look beautiful when sleeping" he said again leaning more towards her

Hana stood there looking at his lips and then his eyes. Her mind trying to decide if she should kiss him or not.

But he made that decision for her. He cupped her cheek and slowing close the gap between their lips until they were connected. The kiss was soft and sweet thanks to her peachy gloss.

After they parted, Hana was embarrassed making him chuckled without looking away from her

"I correct myself, your even more beautiful after I kiss you" he gave her another peck before someone knock on the door "they surely have a terrible timing" making her finally smile

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