S1 E17:Coast City Captors 5

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Narrator:Previously On A DC Saiyan | The Rise Of A Legendary Saiyan Hero, We finally checked on Masaru who was stuck in his own mind with the entity of green Ophidian.

Masaru is seen in a black void floating. He eventually comes to shaking his head. He looks infront of him there's a wide square screen showing him what's happening on the outside.

"Hey...HEY WHERE AM I!!!!" Masaru shouts

Just then he's slammed into the wall by Ophidian the Entity and Physical Embodiement Of Greed.

"Hello!" Ophidian shouts

"What's going on what's happening where am I?!" Masaru shouts

"Your in your head except your not in control of your actions exactly" Ophidian says flying into Masaru taking a bulk of his power and placing it into the Vegative one "You see Masaru your the avatar of three whole entities of the lantern corps but that power comes with a cost"

"LET ME GO!!!!!" Masaru shouts

"Or what?" Ophidian asks

"KAIO-KAIOKEN!!!!" Masaru shouts as his red aura crackles briefly before failing to use the technique "What'd you do to me!"

"I've taken away a bulk of your power your weak now!" Ophidian shouts

"GRRRRRRRR" Masaru shouts rushing ahead and punching Ophidian "I may not have my power but I still have hands bitch!"

He charges at Ophidian who charges back.

Narrator:The heroes then attempted to stop the villains again...but to no avail as it costed flash his life.

Outside The Villains Stand Infront Of The Red Power Battery. Sinestro goes to place him into it but Gl blasts all of them away.

"Get Masaru and Run!" GL shouts to flash

Flash grabs Masaru and using all his speed runs off.

"Come back here!" Larfleeze shouts

Masaru opens his eyes and glares at Barry making him twist both his legs and collapse. A bunch of red lanterns appear and swarm flash and that's the last we see of him for now. Masaru returns back to Larfleeze.

Narrator:And despite the leagues efforts Masaru then absorbed the power from Ysmault at the same time giving inside Masaru a new enemy.

"Barry...MASARU I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!!!!" Batman shouts

Atrocitus forms a wall as sinestro drops Masaru into the power battery. Sinestro takes him out his eyes are now an intense light magenta.

"This is easier then I thought" Sinestro says

Inside Of Masaru who kicks Ophidian away. Just then the butcher the entity of rage rams Masaru into the wall.

Ophidian and the butcher smile floating next to eachother. Masaru's eyes widen but he doesn't back down getting into his battle stance.

Narrator:And the day ended with sinestro giving Masaru power over fear.

"Masaru take us to Korugar!" Atrocitus shouts

The villains teleport away as the heroes are close behind. On Korugar the villains walk toward the power battery.

The heroes shout as they charge at the villains.

"Send them to a dead planet" Atrocitus says

Masaru does so as the heroes vanish. The villains walk up to the yellow power battery. Sinestro pushes Masaru into it as his eyes glow. He takes Masaru out his eyes now well this color.

Narrator:We see how the heroes react...now.

Coast City Captors 5

Hal Jordan, better known as the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, was on edge. He knew that these lanterns were some of the most dangerous in the universe, and he couldn't let them harm his fellow corps members.

Hal quickly donned his green lantern uniform and took to the skies, with his team flying towards Oa as fast as they could. He knew that he had to warn his fellow lanterns of the impending danger before it was too late.

As he approached the planet, he saw that the other lanterns were already in a state of alert. He landed on the planet and quickly made his way to the central power battery, where he found the other lanterns gathered. He saw the worry etched on their faces, and he knew that they were all afraid of what was to come.

Hal stepped forward and addressed the group. "My fellow lanterns," he said, his voice strong and determined. "We have received word that the Red, Yellow, and Orange Lantern Corps are heading towards Oa. We must prepare ourselves for battle."

The other lanterns looked at him with respect and admiration. They knew that Hal was one of the most powerful lanterns in the universe, and they trusted him to lead them in this time of crisis.

John Stewart, another Green Lantern, spoke up. "What do we know about these other corps? What are their strengths and weaknesses?"

Hal took a deep breath. "The Red Lantern Corps is fueled by rage. Their rings are powered by the red light of rage, and they are incredibly powerful. The Yellow Lantern Corps is powered by fear. Their rings instill fear in their enemies, and they are known for being incredibly ruthless. The Orange Lantern Corps is powered by greed. Their rings allow them to steal the powers of other lanterns, making them incredibly dangerous."

The other lanterns looked at each other, their expressions grim. They knew that they were in for a tough fight.

Guy Gardner, another Green Lantern, spoke up. "What's our plan of attack? How are we going to stop them?"

Hal rubbed his chin, thinking. "We need to work together. We need to use our powers to overcome theirs. We need to be smart, and we need to be strong."

The other lanterns nodded in agreement. They knew that Hal was right.

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