S1 E16:Coast City Captors 4

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Narrator:Previously On A DC Saiyan | The Rise Of A Legendary Saiyan Hero, GL breaks down what sinestro and the others are planning.

"Any idea what they're after Hal?" Superman asks

"The Blue Lantern Power Battery Obviously" GL says

"What would they need that for?" Flash asks

"The Power Batteries Are Some Of The Strongest In The Multiverse And Masaru already has access to two of them if he gets thrown into the others nothing in the universe will be able to stop sinestro and his team from taking over the multiverse" GL explains

Narrator:That is until Saint Walkers body flies into them...and he ultimately dies due to his wounds.

Saint Walker is sent flying into Superman.

"Saint Walker what happened?" GL asks

"Sinestro...Atrocitus...Larfleeze...they're after my battery" Saint Walker says groaning and coughing Superman places him down and inspects his injuries a couple of stabs through the chest "It hurts"

"Saint Walker we're gonna get you well" GL says

"I...Know you...would have" Saint Walker says closing his eyes and dying as his ring flies off and away.

The JL mourn the loss of an ally but run over to stop them.

Narrator:Unfortunately they didn't make it in time and Masaru had his power furthered.

They're too late sinestro drops Masaru into the power battery. Sinestro lifts him out his eyes are now a light purple.

"Rage...Love...Fear...Will...Life and Death I say we go to my corps next" Atrocitus says

Narrator:And despite the leagues best efforts they where defeated with a single hand motion from Masaru.

"How About No!" GL shouts blasting Sinestro through the ground Superman then comes in and clocks the other two away "It's over Sinestro!"

WonderWoman runs up to the teen who's still vegetative.

"Masaru...Masaru!" Wonderwoman shouts shaking him with no response

"Knock them all out" Larfleeze says

Masaru then shows reaction he waves his hand as the league are all knocked unconscious.

"Good Boy...To Ysmault!" Sinestro says

Narrator:But that was the least of the leagues worries at the moment.

"Uhhh Hal are Power Batteries supposed to do this?" Flash asks

The JL run over and what they see shocks them. The Blue Power Battery is decaying and turning black bottom to top.

"No it's not" Hal says

The planet they're on begins to decay as well. GL forms a bubble around everyone as they all float in space.

"So that's what's happening the more power Masaru is currently absorbing the more life force is being taken from living organisms long story short...we gotta stop him before Oa decays that's the last line of defense against the Sinestro and his team" GL says

We fade out.

Narrator:We Go To Ysmault...Now

Coast City Captors 4

Masaru is seen in a black void floating. He eventually comes to shaking his head. He looks infront of him there's a wide square screen showing him what's happening on the outside.

"Hey...HEY WHERE AM I!!!!" Masaru shouts

Just then he's slammed into the wall by Ophidian the Entity and Physical Embodiement Of Greed.

"Hello!" Ophidian shouts

"What's going on what's happening where am I?!" Masaru shouts

"Your in your head except your not in control of your actions exactly" Ophidian says flying into Masaru taking a bulk of his power and placing it into the Vegative one "You see Masaru your the avatar of three whole entities of the lantern corps but that power comes with a cost"

"LET ME GO!!!!!" Masaru shouts

"Or what?" Ophidian asks

"KAIO-KAIOKEN!!!!" Masaru shouts as his red aura crackles briefly before failing to use the technique "What'd you do to me!"

"I've taken away a bulk of your power your weak now!" Ophidian shouts

"GRRRRRRRR" Masaru shouts rushing ahead and punching Ophidian "I may not have my power but I still have hands bitch!"

He charges at Ophidian who charges back.

This raises Masaru's base power level when he returns back to his body to 7,000,000.

Outside The Villains Stand Infront Of The Red Power Battery. Sinestro goes to place him into it but Gl blasts all of them away.

"Get Masaru and Run!" GL shouts to flash

Flash grabs Masaru and using all his speed runs off.

"Come back here!" Larfleeze shouts

Masaru opens his eyes and glares at Barry making him twist both his legs and collapse. A bunch of red lanterns appear and swarm flash and that's the last we see of him for now. Masaru returns back to Larfleeze.

"Barry...MASARU I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!!!!" Batman shouts

Atrocitus forms a wall as sinestro drops Masaru into the power battery. Sinestro takes him out his eyes are now an intense light magenta.

"This is easier then I thought" Sinestro says

Inside Of Masaru who kicks Ophidian away. Just then the butcher the entity of rage rams Masaru into the wall.

Ophidian and the butcher smile floating next to eachother. Masaru's eyes widen but he doesn't back down getting into his battle stance.


Superman punches through the wall and kicks Atrocitus away.

"Get rid of him!" Larfleeze shouts

Masaru waves his hand sending Superman into the center of a red sun. And well that's the last we see of Superman.

"Masaru take us to Korugar!" Atrocitus shouts

The villains teleport away as the heroes are close behind. On Korugar the villains walk toward the power battery.

The heroes shout as they charge at the villains.

"Send them to a dead planet" Atrocitus says

Masaru does so as the heroes vanish. The villains walk up to the yellow power battery. Sinestro pushes Masaru into it as his eyes glow. He takes Masaru out his eyes now well this color.

The Villains All Go To Their Next Destination And The Destination For The Season Finale:Oa

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The Villains All Go To Their Next Destination And The Destination For The Season Finale:Oa.

Power Levels-

Masaru-90 Quintillion->(Current):900 Octillion
Everyone Else-Same as last time.

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