40~ Its Over

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I had to lie when I claimed that Noah would be here.

I had to get her to say things she wouldn't want to ever say to me. And she did. All in an attempt to try and escape. Or get someone to save her.

Needless to say the way she quickly swayed under words simple as Noah was so interesting to me.

But she did do what I wanted. And I'm going to use it to my advantage...


"Wake up darling"

I jolt in my chair and gasp. There's a hand on my cheek but it's warm and familiar. "Noah" I gasp. "It's over love"

I sigh in relief and lean into his touch. Noah doesn't move. "Noah" I whisper. No reply. "Noah get me out" I ask in a panic. No movement. Suddenly the touch of his hand leaves my face and I shake in my chair, trying to get out. "Noah!" I say more loudly.

Suddenly my body finches and there is a light in the room, Jet stands in front of me not Noah. "Dreaming?" Jet asks. I nod and fight back tears. I thought I was close to getting home.

Jet is crouched down in front of me and watches tentatively. Finally he decides to speak. "We're moving locations" he says and stands. Jet has on a dress shirt with the cuffs rolled to his forearms, the buttons secured except for the top four. He looks dangerously wicked. I understand why woman could fall for a man like him.

"Where?" I ask. Jet smiles  "you'll have to find out baby"

My nose wrinkles at his pet name for me. I can't decide if I want to play the innocent lovable role or the fight for my life role.

"Why can't you just tell me" I ask. I watch as Jet walks over to his desk and that's when I see all of the wonderful weapons he has displayed. I notice my knives and gun as well as the taser. And for a moment it looks like pure gold.

I look away as to not catch Jet's attention. "I think you'll like the knew place" he tells me, walking back over to stand in front of me.

I don't say anything as he pulls keys out of his pocket and finds a silver one, jamming it into my right wrist lock. I begin to shake in anticipation. I'm getting out. He's letting me out.

Once my wrist are free, I rub them together and think of something. I look up with fake adoration at Jet. He watches with caution as I rub my hands and flex my fingers. He crouches down again to unlock my legs when I suck in a quiet breath and then slowly run my hands through his hair.

Jet seems confused and aroused by my actions. He looks up at me and smiles. "Cassy" he breathes. "Oh Jet" I smile slightly at him. Then I kick the ever living shit out of his gut with my free leg. He tumbles to the side, hugging his stomach and groaning. I quickly lean down and twist the key in the lock on my other leg. I stand and I fall, my body shaking from being used after sitting for so long in the same position.

I crawl my way over to his desk and reach up to grab my gun. I yelp when a hand grasps my ankle. When I look back, I see Jet is looking at me with such anger I get scared for a moment. He begins to crawl up my leg as I'm kicking and trying to wriggle free, my hand scrambling across the desk to grab anything.

Finally, my hand bumps against an object so I grab it. My taser. I shove it onto Jet's shoulder and he jerks and vibrates, gritting his teeth in pain. He groans and his grip releases me. I kick free and stand up. I quickly grab my throwing knives off the desk and run towards the stairs.

I'm panting and gasping, the feeling of freedom on my tongue. The door is ajar and I see his foyer.

So close!

I am three steps away from the top when I feel something sharp pinch the side of my neck.

Immediately a rush of sleep settles in my body. I reach for my neck, stumbling. I grip something small and yank it put, holding it in front of me to see. A syringe.

"You sociopath" I gasp in suprise, beginning to stumble.

"Sociopaths get shit done"

I turn and see Jet standing behind me, looking tall and angry as ever. "You fucked up. I really thought we were getting somewhere Cassy"

"F-f-fuck you-"

I fall and my eyes shut, sleep winning over the will to stay awake.


I'm so mad at her. I'm the one who plays the tricks. I can always predict a woman's next move because I know her. I know Cassidy pretty well from my research. But damn she can act and I never knew she could.

But no worries. She's sedated now. She'll be up in a few hours. I just have to get her to the cabin. I can tell Noah is on the way. Which is why we're heading on the move. I want Noah to chase me. I want him to think he'll win. I want him to think he can save her. It will make it all the more satisfying.

I pick up Cassidy's limp body and sling her over my shoulder, grunting as I take us up the last few steps. I put her in the back of my truck and quickly run downstairs to grab the weapons.

I get in the truck and we head out. I'm so ready to finalize the last step. Kill Noah. Once he's dead, Cassidy will have no choice but to be with me. And then when she has fallen in love, I'll remind her that I'm not safe. It's only perfect.


Noah's POV

We pull up to his house and Harley and I are the first out of the van, running towards the front door. We break inside and Harleys men move around us to check the house.

I see a door next to the front door. It's open slightly and I see light coming from the room. I step down the stairs and see a chair. Blood is dried around it and it makes me shiver. Then I see a note taped to the chair. I rip it off and begin to read.

Hello Noah

Nice to finally have you catch up. Well... close enough.

As you know, I have Cassidy and I'm not planning on letting her go. So come find her and may the best man win.

Jet Lasix

I rip the paper to shreds and scream.

Then... I wake up.

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