22~ Cold

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Noah and I follow Kadence out of the interrogation room and into a sort of bar room. I see five other woman in the room. They all look up from laughing and then they're eyes widen.

"No fucking way" one of them say. "Noah!?" The youngest looking one shrieks. She launches out of her seat and runs forward, stopping by Kadence.

"Kade! How did you get him!?" She squeals. Kadence looks over at a relaxed woman. Her hair is a dark red unlike Kadence's orange tint. It's long and curled at her waist.

"Andrea" Kadence calls. I realized then that these are her sisters. I look at the booth where the rest are sitting. Next to Andrea is a bleached blonde with brown eyes. Her posture is loose but her eyes are threatening. Next to her is a tired brown haired woman with freckles and glasses. Then a younger woman stands from the booth and she looks identical to the one standing next to Kadence. Their hair is a light brown with streaks of red. Their eyes are green but darker than Noah's.

"Harley, relax" the twin tells her sister, resting a hand on the one who ran up to us. I try and find a difference between the two so it'll be easier for me to identify them. But you can tell just off the way they act. Harley is hyper and wild eyed while her twin Heather is relaxed and seems to be the calmer one by her twin.

"Noah is just visiting" Kadence waves off Harley and keeps eye contact with Andrea who walks over. She's the tallest and looks strict. Like she's had to raise her sisters herself.

"Who's this?" Andrea asks. "Cassidy" I say before anyone else. She looks at me, surprised I spoke. "And who are you?" She asks again.

I open my mouth to speak, clearly confused what she means, when Noah speaks first.

"She's with me" he says. The twins lock eyes and then turn to us again. "Like dating?" Harley asks. I turn to Noah who looks angry still. Everyone looks curious to see what he has to say. "Yes."

Kadence grins and looks away and Harley squeals. "No way! Where did you find her!? Is she an assassin or something?" Harley is yanked by her twin and given a warning glare.

"I'm just asking!" She huffs. I smile lightly, and look back at Kadence.

"Point is... they've agreed to the deal. So Andrea it's your turn to proceed" Kadence walks to the bar and leaves us.

I tense up. What!? Kadence can't leave us!

I look at Noah nervously. He seems faltered too. Harley waves and follows Heather back to the booth where their sisters are sitting.

"Follow me" Andrea says and walks to the door we just entered. Noah grabs my hip and leads me to her.

Turns out we're put in a bedroom. It's small and only has a bed and a lamp. "The bathroom is in there. We have clothes for you both. We'll talk to you in the morning" Andrea tells us.

"What? Why can't we leave?" I ask. Andrea stops and looks over her shoulder. "Because we need to discuss more. But it's late so get some rest"

The door shuts and leaves Noah and I in the dark.

We shower and change into the clothes they left out. Noah had gray sweatpants on and a black t-shirt. I was given black gym shorts and a gray crewneck sweatshirt. We had the same white socks too.

We crawl on top of the bed and Noah holds me close. "What's going on?" I whisper. "I don't know. We'll get out though soon"

I whimper slightly and remember. "I miss Judge"

"Me too"


My breath swirls into the air before disappearing into the cold hair. I shiver and hold my arms to my chest. I look around but am only met with the dark. The only light is the dim glow emitted above me. I let out a shaky breath and look around again. Suddenly there's a chuckle and another light turns on. I turn and see Noah. He's holding something in his hand. I squint my eyes to try and see but then more lights turn on and I see all the Walks sisters on the left and right of him.

"He was always going to chose the kill over you"

I try and see who spoke but nobody has moved at all.

"Just wait..."

I scan everyone again but no ones lips are moving. "Wait for what?" I ask. Cold air brushes by my ear and I whip around. I gasp and step back. I stare directly into my eyes. But I'm not me.

This Cassidy is covered in blood. She's smiling at me and is holding a knife which is also bloody.

"Hi" she says. Lifting her hands, she twirls the knife against her finger.

"Who-?" I ask but she cuts me off. "I'm you. I'm just the you... well you're becoming" she grins at me again.

"What do you mean?" I ask myself. "Well being with Noah is no easy task is it? Hell we've covered up murders! I don't think our parents would be proud" she laughs and drops her arms.

"Wha-what?" I say. "Oh come on you dumbass. Being with a killer rubbed off on us. Its only a matter of time before you kill someone. Want to know who it is?"

This Cassidy is grinning wickedly at me. I don't hear footsteps so it makes me jump when a hand touches my elbow. I turn and see Noah. He's moved from his spot and I see he has a gun in his hand.

He raises it and hands it to me. I take it and let it drop to my side. "You killed her" other Cassidy says. I follow her and Noah's gaze and gasp when I see.

I sit up in bed and gasp. Noah is knocked out beside me and it relieves me.

I push my hair out of my sweaty face and get out of bed. I find myself leaving the room and walking down the cold hall.

My heart is slower and my body is no longer producing a cold sweat. I try and shake my dream. I lean against the wall and hold my head. Then something catches my attention. I raise my head and listen.

I hear whispers.

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