35~ The Feeling

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The fire crackles and snaps loudly in the hearth in front of me.

As much as I loved our little Bungalow, I do enjoy the cabin feel of our new place. Noah's and I's official place.

It's a small 2-story home with a basement. There's a bathroom and bedroom upstairs while the downstairs houses another bathroom, the kitchen, dining room, and Screened porch/office.

I sit in front of the couch, my back pressed against it, with Judge laying his head in my lap with a book in hand. I tried to relax like Noah told me to do but I've been getting this feeling for a while. I feel watched.

Everywhere I look I see nothing but feel it. Noah teased me I'm haunted and being watched but it's not funny. It feels... too real to be just a ghost.

Maybe it's the new job. Maybe it's the guilt of my family finally catching up to me. But I've been so uncomfortable with it. It's killing me slowly.

Noah walks in with two mugs in his hands and I smile when he sits down next to me and hands me a mug. I set my book down and cup the drink with me hands to realize it's cold.

"Not tea?" I ask. "Whiskey" Noah says with a sly grin before smacking his mug against my own and taking a big gulp. I slowly do the same and take a deep breath.

I feel slightly better with him beside me.

Noah turns to me and frowns. "You alright love?" He asks. I nod and shrug at once and take another drink, hiding behind the mug rim.

"You've been acting... off... for a while" he says. "I just..." I close my eyes and try to find words.

"I don't know what's going on with me. I feel... watched? I don't know..." I mumble at the end of my sentence and sigh again.

"Maybe it's work?" Noah questions. "Maybe... I just... I don't know" I say again.

Noah sets down his mug and shifts to face me. He cups my cheeks, his fingers tucking back my hair before he plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Listen darling... I won't let anyone hurt you. I will always be by your side to protect you. No one will ever harm you and if they do... I'll slit their throat without a second thought"

I chuckle slightly and close my eyes, leaning into his touch. A few moments pass before I speak again.

"I feel weird Noah. I feel... scared" I whisper. Noah doesn't hesitate when he says, "I can make you feel a different way sweetheart, just say the words"

I flush deeply and my eyes flutter open. Noah's face is very serious and for a brief second I picture a child having that same face.

"I love you" I say and he pulls me close to kiss him.


"The mission will be long and sharp. Teamwork and skill must be required for completing the task at hand. Now each of you have a set skill that will be used during the assignment and you all should know that. The main point is to subtly kill the woman. We do not need attention drawn to us or her before, after, or during the kill. Understood?"

"Yes Boss"

"Good. Any last questions?"

"No Boss"

"Great. Everyone go finish your tasks and next week we'll be talking about the plan. Go about your previous business"

Chairs scratch and groan as they're being pushed back for the people to stand. I brush off my black jeans and search the room, feeling Noah move to stand close to me.

"I wonder who the assignment is" he says. I hum in response and reach out to hold his hand. Noah kisses it swiftly before giving it a quick squeeze and leading me out of the room.

I feel the eyes of someone staring at me so I turn and see Jet looking pensive at Noah and I. He catches my eyes and I wave politely. Even if he's a little quiet and curt with his stupid nickname for me, I still consider him an acquaintance.

Jet smiles slightly and nods at me before turning and walking to Boss. I turn back and follow Noah out.


I watched as her big eyes scanned the room, for what I don't know. I saw Noah walk over to her and speak before she grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Those should be my lips on her skin. I would treat her so well she'd forget her name every single night when she'd call out mine.

I'd make her feel safe and comforted in my presence and love. Then, when she'd least expect it, it crush her so bad she wouldn't be able to process the pain, the hurt, the fear.

But no. First step to winning the game is getting the pawn. I need her closer to me. But I don't know how to get her to become close when that dumb fuck of a man is around her constantly.

I think about this lightly for the next two hours of my work day. I keep a close eye on her but don't make a move to speak to her.

Finally, Noah takes her home and I wait before I leave work. I walk down the familiar sidewalk leading me home. And when I get home I quickly shower and put on  my boxers before rushing down to my basement where my office is set up. I quickly power on all the computers and log in. After a few brief moments the cameras load up and I can see the inside of her house.

The SKA provides housing for their workers and that means cameras in every room except the bedroom, bathroom, and basement. Boss only uses them when a worker has been suspicious but I have learned to hack into these and find the house I needed.

Almost every day after work I come home and check on her. Study what her routine is. I need to learn so I can become perfect for her. So I can trick her into my love.

I click on each camera until I find her in the living room. She's asleep on the couch and only in a sweater and underwear and fuck that turns me on. She's so vulnerable in her home home and she doesn't even know.

I feel my cock twitch and I smile. I've done creepier things than jerk off to someone on camera. So I don't hesitate to let my member free and wrap my hand around myself. I close my eyes and pretend it's her with me.

Then I open them so I can see her. Her perfect curves, her beautiful features.

Then Noah steps into view and I scowl. My movements slow and for a moment they stop. I watch as he slides his arms under her and picks her up. He carries her down the hall and into their room.

I growl and cross my arms. That should be me taking care of her. And I swear to God I'll be the one doing it very soon.

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