27~ The Use Of A Gun

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I flick on the light and blink to adjust my eyes. Noah has everything a fucking spy would have for crying out loud.

Judge looks up at me in confusion on my hesitation. I suck in a breath and my hand drops to scratch his head. In return he licks my hand.

I step forward and beckon Judge to follow me. I look around and see all of the tools a trained killer could want to kill someone.

I already have one gun but with all these here I realize Noah is going to need one too.

I don't grab much, another gun, bullets, and some throwing knives. When I turn to leave I see something. A bullet proof vest. It's thin and tough. I recognize it from Luke. I quickly get it on, grabbing a gray sweater that was folded up on the toolbox. It covers the vest well so I finishing grabbing my things and lock up the storage unit.

Now I just need to figure out where Noah and The Walks are.


I don't get anything until late at night. I'm back at the apartment when I here I knock at the door. I go to answer it thinking it's Alex from next door or something but when I open my front door Cortez smiles at me. It's a cocky grin, not friendly in the slightest.

Judge growls and thrusts himself in front of me. "Heel" I mumble. Judge steps back and sits beside me, still bristled and snarling quietly.

"Hello Cassidy"

I huff and glare at him. Cortez chuckles and raises his hands in a surrendering motion. This makes Judge growl louder. "Hey now. I'm only here to give you... this"

He reaches behind him to grab a black envelope and he hands it to me. Immediately I rip it open and on the cardstock is an address.

"I'm here to be your ride" Cortez says, pulling out keys from his front pocket. I toss the ripped envelope in the trash and tuck the card in my back jean pocket.

"Fine." I say and whistle for Judge to follow me. Cortez tenses though. "Does he have to come?" He says bitterly.

"Yes. So don't try anything or I'll command him to bite you again"


I hid in the trunk when we pulled into the facility. Judge laying down next to me.

I feel the car move so I figured Cortez made it through the gate.

When the car stopped, it was only a moment for Cortez to open the trunk. Cool air whipped my face and I breathe it in.

Judge and I crawl out of the car trunk and I stand next to Cortez. "Here's the map of the place. I stole it. You need to enter through here and then Noah is in here, I think vents might be your best option but they are a tight fit. The girls will most likely be here if not with Noah. So watch out"

He traces his finger over boxes and lines on a blueprint map, explaining to me everything he can. I take the map and go over it in my head.

"Goodluck" Cortez nods at me. I nod back and snap for Judge to follow when I stop. I slowly turn back to Cortez. "Why are you helping me?" I ask.

"These ladies have too much power. Someone needs to stop them"

I nod and then turn back around, jogging off to where I need to go. I can feel Cortez's eyes baring into my back.


These vents are tight like Cortez said. I left Judge outside the building, hidden in a few bushes so hopefully he stays safe until I can get back to him.

I grunt and shift as I crawl down the narrow paths. It's funny how just weeks ago I was crawling through vents to hide from Noah and now I'm crawling through these vents to save him.

I pull the map out of my back jean pocket and look it over. One more right turn and then the next vent is over where Noah should be.

After a minute of crawling, I see the vent door on the floor of the vent. I look over it and see Noah in a chair tied up. I'm about to call out to him when I hear a voice. Andrea walks into view.

She tsks at Noah and folds her arms. "I don't know what you're waiting for" Noah scoffs.

"I'm not willing to have Cassidy show up and find out you're dead. Anger drives people mad" Andrea glares down at him.

"Cleary" Noah rolls his eyes. After a beat of silence Noah speaks again. "She's not like me" he mumbles.

Andrea laughs at him. "She was the one who smashed that guards head in. She tortured William. She helped cover up your murders. If that's not like you I don't know what is"

I close my eyes and sigh, pressing my forehead against the floor of the vent.

"She's apart of you know whether you like it or not Noah Tuck"

Andrea turns and walks out of the room and that's when I take my shot and smack the vent door. It swings open and I lift myself down. I land in front of Noah who looks at me in shock.

"She's right" I mumble. "No-" I cut Noah off. "Keep quiet or she'll hear us" I use one of the knives I grabbed to cut him free. Apparently they ran out of handcuffs or something.

Noah stands, rubbing his wrists and looking down at me. He had a set look on his face that's blank and firm. Pensive.

"I can't believe you" He says and pulls me in for a kiss. When we break free I feel like crying. I've been so strong these past... hours?... days? It feels nice to have him "take the torch" or whatever.

"What do you mean?" I ask, leaning into his hand when it cups my cheek. "I mean I thought you were a pathetic, weak and innocent woman. One who'd I kill in the end. But I think I'm too afraid to even try and kill you" I smile weakly and close my eyes, touching his hand with mine.

The door creaks open and I turn around. A gun shot rings out and I feel myself move back suddenly.

I look up and see Andrea holding out a gun in front of me. For a minute it's just silent.

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