3~ Death By A Thousand Cuts

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Noah holds out the hand that doesn't have the knife in it. I tentatively take it and end up being yanked up. I lose my balance and tumble into him.

Noah grins at me and I immediately shove away. "So do you have a preference? Or should I just guess?" Noah asks taunting me.

I think for a moment. My legs are bare, so is my neck and face. If I roll up my sleeve then I'll get blood on my sweater which I really don't want. I sigh and move to sit on a table. I raise my leg and wait.

Noah walks over slowly and unwieldy. As if dancing over. I eye my knife as it presses down an inch above my knee.

I take a deep breath and look into Noah's green eyes. Begging and pleading that he won't do this. But Noah planned on killing a man tonight. Cutting me up like Thanksgiving turkey is nothing to him.

The knife digs into my skin, immediately piercing it. I gasp from the pain and jerk my leg away. But Noah grabs my ankle, holding my leg in place. "That's 1 out of 4, I suggest if you don't want your pretty little face cut up then hold still" He tells me, rocking back is if to steady himself.

I sit through the next cuts. I agreed to this thinking I could beat a monster. But no. He outplayed me.

When I have four new imminent scars on each of my thighs, Noah steps back. I get of the counter and the blood rushing through hurts like hell. I stumble off back into the kitchen to find myself a first aid kit.

After searching through a cabinet, I feel a presence behind me. "Looking for this?" He asks. I turn to find a red box in his hand. I move to take it from him but he lifts it higher. I glare fiercely at him. "Give me... the damn box" I growl.

"Let me fix you up" Noah says. "Why so you could cut me up some more?" I snap. Noah doesn't reply but instead motions to the counter.

I huff and move to jump on it. Noah opens the box and then moves to stand in between my legs. I tense up but try to relax. It doesn't work very well. Not with him right there.

I wait patiently while Noah does his thing and then packs everything away. I hop off the counter again and yawn. I check the time on my almost dead phone and sigh. 2 am.

"Tired?" Noah asks walking back into the kitchen. I nod and yawn again.

"Follow me I know a place" he says and waves his hand in direction for me to go after him. I trail behind Noah as he leads us through the halls. We stop next to a door that says keep out! on it.

"On the long nights my dad would work, he'd stay here sometime instead of driving home" Noah opens the door to reveal a room.

There's a bed pressed up against the right wall, a desk on the left. There's a rug on the floor and a few photos and drawings on the wall. I walk over to a photo next to the desk and see a family of four. A tall man with salt and peppered hair side hugging a woman who had short blonde hair. Below them was a boy and a girl, the boy looking about 16-17 in the photo. The girl looked about 10 or 12.

She had long blonde hair too, but it was darker than the mother's. She had green eyes and a beautiful smile. The boy standing next to her was also tall like his father. Also with green eyes and chocolate brown hair like the man's.

This is Noah's family I conclude.

Noah stands behind me and sighs. "I had a father, but never had a dad" he says softly.

I turn to him and realize he's closer than I recalled. I could feel his breath fan across my face when I looked at him. "Get some rest. Maybe figure out how you'll kill me before your time runs out" and with that walks out the door.


When I wake up again it's still dark. I can still hear the raging storm outside, daring anyone to come face it.

I sit up in bed and rub my eyes, trying to get a grip. My stomach rumbles and I get up and leave the room. I walk into the kitchen, expecting to find Noah there. I'm surprised when he's not.

I comb through the cabinets until I find somewhat edible food. Some stale pretzels. I rip open the bag and sit on the chair Noah had pulled out when I asked for his confessions.

Crazy fuck I though when I remembered the events from hours before. Suddenly he bursts through the door and then slams it shut, holding it closed.

Startled, I stand up and walk over. "What's goi-" Noah presses his hand against my mouth to quiet me. He puts his other hand to his lips in a shushing motion.

I hold still, breathing steadily as I watch Noah. I hear footsteps and my eyes widen. Noah moves us away from the door and presses me against the wall, still holding his hand over my mouth. His eyes are alert and tense, prepared.

The footsteps fade and Noah takes his hand slowly off my face. "What the fuck!" I whisper shout.

Noah gives me a shut the hell up look didn't you learn from last time? Look.

I roll my eyes but watch Noah, waiting for his next move. After a few minutes be turns to me and whispers, "The guy who killed my sister is here. And he brought back up at least 2 other guys"

My eyes wide again and my mouth dries. Then I notice the blood on Noah's shirt. "Is that blood!?" I whisper yell again.

"Don't worry it's not mine" Noah says, looking the the door again.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better!?" I smack his arm lightly.

Noah turns to me, his face close to mine again. "Look this is the plan. We need to subside those other guys so I can get the real dickhead. So I'm thinking you use the knife throwing skills you pulled out of your ass-" I cut him off.

"Whoa whoa! I'm not killing anyone for you!" I gasp completely appalled. Noah shakes his head. "I know you won't, I mean pin then to a wall or something so we can knock them out and I'll deal with them later" he promises.

Noah hands me my knife- our knife, and steps back. "I'll be behind you and I have the knife you threw at me" he says.

"What a man" I mock and roll my eyes, stepping out into the hall. It's quiet and dark, but then lightning illuminates the foyer though the windows.

I take a deep breath and step outside into the hallway.

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