20~ Interview

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The stupid bag is ripped off my face and I wince, glaring at the man. He glares back.

"Where my dog" I spit. "He's fine" the man rolls his eyes. I strain against the handcuffs. He notices me doing this and crouches down to my level.

"Stop struggling Cassidy. It won't get you anywhere" he says. I struggle again but it only ends in me hurting myself. I can feel blood slowly moving down my wrists.

I look past him and see Noah still knocked out in the chair in front of me, also handcuffed.

"Don't worry. We're not like the fucking Slax's. Torture isn't our thing. It's reasoning or death"

~4 hours earlier~

Noah paces the kitchen while I do dishes. I've taken a shower and changed into a tight t-shirt and shorts.

He's mumbling and sighing. Judge lays at my feet, watching Noah while touching me.

Even though I'm stressed about the Walks, having Judge here helps.

I've already voiced my opinions to Noah but he insits nothing will work. No running away, no traps, no weapons.

"It's easier to clean up bodies in a abandoned restaurant than your apartment Cassidy" he told me.

After the dishes our done Noah and I migrate to the bedroom. It's only 8pm but we're tired.

"Listen. The letter showed up two hours ago. They won't send in people to attack us so soon" I say.

"Maybe" is all Noah says.

We let Judge sleep on the bed tonight just in case and curl up together, still in our day clothes.


I wake up to growling. Judge. Noah is still sleeping, his face completely set in exhaustion.

I look around the dark room which suddenly lights up with a flash of lightning. A few seconds later a rumble shakes the room.

I touch Judge and scoot closer to Noah. After a few minutes I lay back down and close my eyes. But then immediately I feel a shift in the air.

Judge stands up and I open my eyes. Immediately my mouth is covered with a cloth. I'm yanked out of bed, me struggling hard to break free. But my eyes droop and the last thing I see is Noah swinging a punch.


I jolt awake, my body swaying. I can feel the burn of metal bite and tighten around my wrists. My face is covered in some sort of sack. Pillowcase maybe?

Based off the movement, I can tell I'm in a vehicle. And no one has seemed to noticed I woke up so I pretended.

After some while the vehicle lurches to a stop and my body gravitates forward. "Grab her" I hear a woman say.

Hands yank my arms harshly up but I pretend that I'm still unconscious and let my body go limp.

I'm hoisted over someone's shoulder and I feel the cold storm air hit me and I shiver.

I worry for a moment that the man carrying me will notice this and make me walk but he doesn't. Or pretends not to, like I am.

I can tell when we're inside when it becomes quieter and warm. We walk for a while longer before I hear a door open and close and my body being set in a chair. My handcuffs are re-adjusted and then I hear footsteps echo away, the door opening and shutting.

I take a minute to breathe, trying to get my head straight. I stiffen when the door opens and shuts again. This time I hear a thump and a chair shift. Then the door opens and shuts.

I lift my head and try to shake off my cover. But then the door opens and closes once more.

The stupid bag is ripped off my face and I wince. I look around and see Noah behind a man.


"You're the guy from my apartment!" I accuse. He makes a motion of good job! By bowing. Then he stands directly in front of me.

I glare at the man. He glares back. Then I notice a huge mark on his forearm. It's fresh and bleeding. A bite.

Judge bit him!

"Where is my dog" I spit. "He's fine" the man rolls his eyes. I strain against the handcuffs. He notices me doing this and crouches down to my level.

"Stop struggling Cassidy. It won't get you anywhere" he says. I struggle again but it only ends in me hurting myself. I can feel blood slowly moving down my wrists.

The man looks amused and chuckles slightly at my fail.

I look past him and see Noah still knocked out in the chair in front of me, also handcuffed.

"Don't worry. We're not like the fucking Slax's. Torture isn't our thing. It's reasoning or death"

I'm about to ask what is their thing but the door opens. We both move our heads and look over. A woman stands there. She's tall and lean, well proportioned and regal.

Her upper-class self walks over and touches the man on the shoulder. "Thank you for your service Cortez" they nod at each other and the man leaves the room.

The woman has on a white blouse and jeans with matching white flats. Her orange hair is loose and wavy, reaching just below her shoulders, and her eyes are a brilliant hazel.

The woman turns to me with a friendly smile. I don't return it. "Hello Cassidy" I keep quiet, playing the silent card once more.

"Sorry we have to handcuff you... we don't want any trouble"

My anger spills over though and I speak anyways. "I don't think sending threats and then breaking into my apartment and kidnapping us says 'we don't want any trouble'"

The woman chuckles and nods. "Yes that's true. But really we figured the best way to sort this out is to talk. So let's call it an interview"

I ponder this. Interview? For what?

"Where's my dog?" I ask again. "At your place. He bite poor Cortez so we simply tranquilized him and left. Marti took care to leave food and water" she tells me.

I roll my eyes but feel relief. Judge is okay. "So what now?" I ask.

"We wait for Noah to wake up and then ask you a few questions" the woman smiles again like she's so happy to have us here.

Just as she finishes her sentence, Noah stirs and groans, raising his head slightly.

The woman smiles wider and turns to him.

"The interview will start soon"

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