The Last Day of School: A Cross Over One-Shot

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Woo!! My 8th grade year is finally over, and high school will be starting in mid-August.

This One-Shot was recommended by roweterpsichore who came up with the idea of doing a cross over with all the ships at a party or something. But instead, I'm doing some ships (no Nature Wives or Wither Husbands. Sorry, I couldn't come up with anything for them) and what they're going to do on the last day of school (the last day of their senior year).

Also, please listen to the song 'Butterfly Bossa' by Seycara Orchestra (they also wrote The Right Place, In The Wrong Time which some of you may have listened to in The Struggle Is Real. Their songs are amazing! I listen to them all of the time >:)



Ren's Perspective-

The final bell rang, and it was immediately drowned out as everyone ran out of their classrooms.

Some kids were blasting music from their phones, others were shouting, and some were just trying to find their friends.

Ren, on the other hand, was trying to get home as soon as possible.

He had a huge end of year party planned and almost everyone from his school was going to it.

"Ren! Wait up!"

Ren stopped and looked around.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped.

"It's just me, pup. No need to be so scared." Doc said and Ren smiled up at his boyfriend.

"You need help setting up for your party?" Doc asked.

"Oh! Yeah, that'd really help, thanks!" Ren said and Doc scratched behind his ears.

"Of course! It's my job to help."

Ren smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
"Come on, my car's this way."

Grian's Perspective (this one is inspired by Look Both Ways on page 97 ch. Title 'Five Things Easier To Do Than Simeon's And Kenzi's Secret Handshake. Go check it out!!! :)

Grian sat in his science classroom, waiting.

"Grian, dear, is everything alright? It's the last day of school, why don't you run out with the other students?" His teacher, Mrs. Frisk, asked.

"It's really crowded in the halls and since I'm so small, I normally get trampled." Grian explained.

Mrs. Frisk nodded, "Understandable."

Despite Grian being in his senior year, he was shorter than some of the sophomores. Most kids actually thought that Grian was in his freshman year.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Scar poked his head in and Grian smiled and blushed.

"Hey Gri!" Scar said, smiling as Grian ran over and hugged him, "You ready?"

Grian nodded and Scar took off his backpack.

Grian put the bag over his own and Scar crouched down.

Grian got onto Scar and held on.

Scar slowly stood up, holding Grian's legs in his arms and then they both smiled.

"Ready?" Scar asked and Grian nodded, he always loved these piggyback rides.

Scar walked out of the classroom, saying goodbye to their science teacher, and took off through the halls.

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