The Challenge: A RenDoc Fluff

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Ren's Perspective-

Ren and Doc were holding hands as they walked around at the mall.

Doc was talking to Ren about...something, when Ren stopped.

"What?" He asked, looking at where Ren was staring.

"Oh." His face fell and Ren laughed, dragging him into the store.

"Please, no." Doc said, trying to hold Ren back.

"Please?" Ren asked, a pleading look on his face.

Doc folded his arms, but sighed.


"Yay! Come on, I wanna see if we can buy the girliest things from Claire's."


"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this."

Ren laughed as he heard Doc's dark mutterings.

"Come on, it's not that bad."

"Everything's pink and bright and I feel so out of place... literally, how are you okay with this?"

Ren giggled as he picked up a pink, fluffy cat headband.

Doc saw it and said, "No. I'm not wearing that."

"But I'll wear anything you get me." Ren said before putting on his puppy dog eyes.

"Please?" Ren asked sweetly.

Doc sighed and looked away, "No."

Ren grumbled before getting an idea.

He kissed Doc and Doc looked shocked before kissing back.

Ren smirked as he put the cat ears on Doc.

"Oh, I see." Doc said as they broke apart, "You think you're so smart, don't you."

Ren snickered before falling on the floor with laughter.

Doc reached up to take them off, but before he could, Ren got up and slapped his hand.

"No! Please, don't." Ren said between his giggles.

Doc rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well, what am I gonna make you wear that's very embarrassing?"

Ren shrugged, "I don't know, that's up to you."

Doc smirked as he looked in the store.

"Can I buy you two things?" He asked, "It's the only way I can top this."

He gestured towards the cat ears and Ren nodded.

"I'll buy you the ears and then step outside the store so then whatever you get me can be a surprise."

Doc nodded and took off the cat ears.

Ren bought them before walking out of the store and sitting down on a nearby bench.


A couple minutes later, Doc walked out with a bag.

Ren smirked as he took a picture.

"What was that for?" Doc asked.

"I wanted to have a picture of you holding a bag from Claire's." Ren smirked.

Doc rolled his eyes as he sat next to his boyfriend.

"Okay, I got some face paint." Doc said, "So close your eyes and try not to move."

Ren giggled, trying to calm down his rushing heart as Doc took out the markers and started to draw on Ren's face.

"And...there we go!" Doc said, capping the marker.

"I thought you said you bought two things." Ren said as he opened his eyes.

Doc nodded and took out pink, heart shaped glasses.

Ren burst out in laughter as he put them on.

"There, how do I look?"

Doc snickered as he took out his phone and took a picture.

"What did you draw?" Ren asked.

Doc showed him the picture and Ren flushed red.

"Why did you put 'uwu' on my face?!"

"To get back at you for buying me cat ears!" Doc said, laughing.

Ren rolled his eyes as he made Doc put on the cat ears.

"Come on, I want a photo."

Ren smiled as he and Doc took a selfie together.

"That's gotta be my favorite photo with you." Ren said, blushing.

Doc rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around Ren and kissed his cheek.

Ren giggled and then said, "Tell me this stuff rubs off."

"Oh yeah, I think the employee said it can stay for three days."


Doc laughed, "That's depending on how much you rub it off."

"Oh cod, I gotta get this thing off."

Doc laughed as Ren rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face.

This had to be Ren's favorite date they'd gone on.

I love you.

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