Chapter 19 || Home

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I woke up and I was in some room. I started checking it out. It was classic almost all black and white, there lives a boy, James Shirt. Wait what! James shirt?! Am I in James's room?! I started panicking and looking for James, he was nowhere to be found. I stood up slowly and started walking slowly, it hurt pretty badly, I can barely walk. I came downstairs and I saw their mom cooking dinner. It smelled so good, I don't remember the last time I ate that delicious food.

,, Oh hello sweetheart, did you sleep well?'' She said after finding me coming to the kitchen slowly.

,, I'm sure you slept well, James's bed is the most comfortable bed I've ever tried. Trust me'' She said smiling at me and coming to help me out with the walking.

,, How do you know?'' I asked, even tho I have no fucking idea why I'm there.

,, When he has nightmares, he's like a baby, you gotta sleep with him so he can calm down'' She said in a whisper.

,, Why I'm here?'' I asked another question. I sat down at the set table where was salad, and bread. James's mom was cooking lasagna, mm.

,, James always talks about you, mostly now when you got into the hospital after he told me that you live alone for a month and you are injured I said to take you if you don't mind'' She said smiling and going back to the kitchen for lasagna. Does James talk about me? No fucking way.

,, Yeah if I'm not the trouble of course'' I said. James came downstairs he was in the towel and wet hair. My jaw dropped and I turned to Mom's way.

,, James! We have a guest, you forgot?'' His mom said after realizing that he was naked. He smirked and looked at me after. He went upstairs again and minutes later he came back with pajama pants red and black like a Christmas vibe and a white shirt. His hair was still wet but he didn't care and went to his seat. He was sitting right next to me.

,, May I ask where's Cami?'' I asked his mom.

,, She's super sick and can't get up from the bed, so better for you to sleep in James's bed than she's I don't want to make you uncomfy'' When I say my jaw dropped, It actually dropped and I looked at James. He was smirking. I bet he was enjoying it. James's mom came with lasagna in her hands and put it in the middle of the table and sliced it up for all of us. Well three of us. I didn't see either Cami or her sister Cerelle. We all started to eat it, I was enjoying it, James's mom knows how to cook. 

While I was eating I felt a hand on my thigh. I gasped and opened my eyes. I turned to James who was looking at me. Fuck him. He started gently moving it closer to my... Oh god. Of cuk, it's not happening. 

,, Sweetheart your shampoo and conditioner are up, I didn't know which one to buy so bought a strawberry one, James was choosing'' She said, thank god it distracted James and he blushed. I looked at him.

,, You like strawberries?'' I asked him.

,, He does! He always eats them'' His mom said. She smiled and ended her dinner. She took all plates and went to the kitchen to wash them. 

,, James take her to your room'' His mom said. I was shocked. I tried to walk by myself but behind me James took me and we went both to his room. He put me down in his comfy bed. But god that bed smelled exactly like him and I hate it. He took off his shirt, and I could see his all world there. Oh my god...abs. He came to bed and I back to the bed so he won't touch me again like before. he smirked and took me with him and hugged me.

I couldn't move, his strong heavy hand took me with him and now My fucking butt is attached to his dick, I felt so uncomfy there and he was perfectly fine. I could feel his abs touching my back and it felt uncomfy because I have never NEVER in my life touched a dick, abs, or something like that. Of course, I slept with Harden but he was wearing a shirt, and James wasn't. I started moving so I could get comfy. But it was worse. He tightened me more.

,, Stop, you making it worse'' He said groaning. I looked at the mirror in front of me with wide-open eyes. First of all, I didn't want to sleep here, second, I feel his dick hard, next I'm super uncomfy about it, and last of all I don't know what to do. He put his lips on my neck and fell asleep like that easily. Help me, god. Help me go through this night.

Hi, peaches!! How did you like this chapter? I mean My story isn't cute romance. Okay, there wasn't anything sp spicy about it just dicks and thighs that it. I hope you like it tho! Anyways how is your day today? I hope it was great. I hope you have a rest of the day great day/night and bye, peaches!

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Words: 1631, 2023-05-24, 9:08 pm

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