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Kyle: Cartman is so...
Stan: Annoying?
Kenny: Cute?
Butters: Weird?
Kyle: I don't know, maybe if you guys let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
Kenny mumbles: I'm sure you finish with Cartman just fine...


Kyle: What did you guys get Cartman for his birthday?
Kenny: I got him a kitten.
Kyle: Really? Me too!
Stan: I also got them a cat.
Butters: Damn fellas, looks like we all had the same idea...
Cartman, in his room, surrounded by cats: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!


Tolkien: What does take-out mean?
Jimmy: F-food!
Clyde: Dating.
Tweek: M-murder! Gah!
Craig: It can be all three if you're brave enough.


Kenny: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies?
Kyle: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials.
Stan: It's like rock, paper, scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil and condom defeats baby.
Cartman: Rock also defeats baby.


Clyde and Tolkien drunk in the back of Craig's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Tweek: We have food at home.
*Craig pulls into McDonald's drivethrough*
Clyde and Tolkien: YAY!
*Craig orders one black coffee and leaves*


Stan: What's wrong? You look about ten seconds away from ripping someone's throat out...
Kyle: Fucking Kenny and Cartman were trying to invoke one of the minor Gods again last night! I didn't get an OUNCE of sleep thanks to their bloody chanting!


Cartman: ARE YOU-
Kenny: Fucking.
Cartman: KIDDING ME?! YOU-
Kenny: Fucking.
Cartman: IDIOT!
Stan: ...What was that?
Kenny: Kyle banned Cartman from swearing, so I'm helping him out.


Butters: Fellas! I found a new song I really like-
Cartman: Is it about death?
Butters: No-
Kenny: Is it about sex?
Butters: No!
Kyle: Is it about sadness?
Butters: No-
Stan: What about drugs and alcohol?
Butters: No! It's about happiness and peace and-
Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and Stan: *Leaves*


Craig: I can't believe you thought it took you 5-10 minutes to caramelise onions.
Tolkien: Well at least I know what caramelised onions are! Clyde thought we were taking about actual caramel!
Tweek: Wait, so he th-thought it was like a caramel apple but with an onion?
Jimmy: D-dude.


Cartman, singing to the tune of I kissed a girl: I killed a guy and I liked it-
Kyle, whispering: Should we call the exorcist-
Kenny, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Stan, concerned: immediately.


Tweek: Is s-stabbing s-someone immoral?
Craig: Not if they consent to it.
Clyde: Depends on who you're stabbing.
Tolkien, terrified: YES?!


Kyle: Die!
Cartman: Please don't die!
Kyle: DIE!
Kenny, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Stan: Cartman's idea of flirting was to buy plant and tell Kyle it was now their child. Kyle, still being in denial, doesn't want it.
Kenny: Oh....
Stan: Yeah.
Kenny: How long have they been like that?
Stan: Almost an hour. Butters went to get food.


Kenny: Oh god, they texted you 'hi.' Punctuation only means one thing Cartman. You're Dead.
Cartman: No! It's Kyle! He's just being grammatically correct!
Kyle: And then I used a period so he knows I'm pissed.
Stan: A period doesn't say pissed... It says 'I'll kill you'
Kyle: I stand by my choice.


*Kenny drunkenly wanders around the house and Stan is drunkenly giggling*
Kyle, completely sober: *sigh* Well, looks like it's just you and me Cartman.
Cartman, going to his room: Nope, just you. *Shuts door*


AFAB Kenny: Hey Kyle!
Kyle: *punches Kenny in the stomach*
Kenny: What the fuck?!
Kyle: You are one of my best friends and I cannot stand by and watch you throw your life away like this! You're too young!
Kenny: What the fuck are you on about this time?!
Kyle: I'm talking about the baby that was growing inside of you.
Kenny: I'm not pregnant!
Kyle: We'll, not after that punch you're not! I've been taking Muay Thai classes!
Kenny: I was never pregnant Kyle!
Kyle: Are... you sure?
Kenny: YES! Yes, I'm fucking sure!
*Cartman and Stan walk over*
Cartman: Why the fuck are you both yelling?
Kyle: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test-
*Cartman punches Kenny in the stomach*


Clyde: How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Bebe: *Blushing* I-
Craig, butting into their conversation: Tweek is perfect, thanks for asking.


Kenny: I'm so happy the group is finally getting along again!
Stan: Uh, Kyle and Cartman aren't getting along.
Kenny: They're not trying to kill each other.
Stan: Fair point.

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