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Taehyung slowly walked to the door, taking a deep breath he opened the door to be face to face with Jungkook.

His eyes getting as big as a saucer, quickly filling with tears as he see kook looking at him with so much tenderness.

He opened his mouth many time but no words came out of it he was too overwhelmed.

Jungkook stepped inside the room, swiftly closing the door behind him, never leaving his gaze from the beauty standing in front of him.

Stepping closer to the older he gently cupped his face into his palm, leading his forehead on taehyung's.

"Taebear.....please be mine" he whispered his breath faning on tae's lips.

Taehyung looked up in his eyes, his own slowly overflowing with tears before leaning in placing his lips on the rosy one in front of him. He felt jungkook smiling into the kiss before kissing him back.

Everything around them disappear, the earth suddenly stopped spining, only the union of their two soul into a kiss long awaited.

Jungkook circled his arms around taehyung's waist, pulling him closer not leaving any space between them while Taehyung circled his arms around his neck, grabbing his hair , pulling him deeper into the kiss they shared.

Finally after so many years of pain and restrain, they had each other the way they wanted, needed.

After a long romantic,full of love kiss , Jungkook pull out a little, looking into the eyes of tae.

" Is that a yes ?" he ask in a low voice, sending chill through tae's spin.

"Yes! Yes I want to be yours kook" he answer a beautiful boxy smile on his face.

"Thank god! I love you so much taebear" Junkook said kissing every inch of tae's face, making the older giggle.

"I love you too kook, always have, always will" he answer before locking their lips once again.

As they share their moment without a care for their surrounding, they didn't heard the door opening, nor the shutter of Peakboy's camera.

Peakboy 1min

 Liked by Sjn, Wooshii, Jimin, and 21037 others

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 Liked by Sjn, Wooshii, Jimin, and 21037 others

Peakboy Finally! I don't care if it's not my place to leak it I'm just so fucking happy for them ! Love you both guy @Thv @Jungkook.97 @Mybear 

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Jimin What !!!!! <3 Taekook is finally real !

Jin That's why we are waiting like two idiot in front of kook's house? 

Rm Well that explain the no answer at the bell....Finally they did confess !

Sjn @Rm I hope they did at the view of the picture and the sound coming from there xD

Wooshii it took them only 8-9 years? let's hope they will stay this happy for a long time ! 

Thvs_wife What the fuck ? And why did you id Mybear?

Peakboy @Thvs_wife because it's the second account of Jungkook!

Jikook4ever Noooooooooo! how can he do that to Jimin ! Tae you are a monster for breaking them ! 

Jimin @Jikook4ever it's time to get out of your fantasy, kook and I have never been together we are friends nothing else, I'm in love with someone else ! 

Jin @Peakboy do they know you just out them out?

Peakboy @Jin Nope, but I don't care xD

Thv Omg! Hyung! you could have let us do it first ! 

Jungkook.97 @Thv now we don't have to keep arguing who should post it first <3

Thv @Jungkook.97 true hihi but can't wait too show the world that I am the lucky one having Jeon Jungkook as fiance <3

Jungkook.97 @Thv and I can't wait to make you mine taebear. Love you so much <3

Peakboy What?!

Sjn What?

Jin WHAT ????

Jimin Congratssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

Wooshii WHAT ? we left you ten min ! in twenty you tell us you are adopting ?

Rm Wow they really are done wasting time ! Congrats you two ! 

Yoongi Kookbaby I'm so happy for you, and you too taetae ! Love you two both ! 

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