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Taehyung was sulking, they played with Jungkook for over 3 hours and he didn't win one round.

Stomping his feet he walk to the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking a beer for that stupid boy before getting a glass of wine for himself. When he came back to the living room he stop a seconde putting the glasses on the dinning room table before fishing his phone in his pocket to snap a picture of Jungkook. He quickly put back his phone into his pocket before joining the younger to the sofa. 

" Thanks tae, promise next time I will let you win" kook told him with does eyes which bring a big boxy smile on Taehyung's face.

"Kook can I post this picture ?" he ask showing his phone to Jungkook. 

Jungkook start to laugh letting himself rest completely on the sofa half lying. " You will feed the taekooker again?" he ask then.

Taehyung blush against his will, looking at the picture again then at jungkook.

"Look tae, I don't care if you wanna feed them, but I don't like them attacking you for it" the younger told him with a small smile.

Taehyung know he will get a lot of hate comment, of course the nice one will be the big majority, but he always end up reading the hate one. "You're right, It's just I found it really cute....Oh! wait!" 


I checked your account, you did a good job, but I have one that you don't...

If you tell me your name I will send it to you.



Are you ignoring my message?


Sorry I'm just busy. I can't give you my name, not right now.


That suck....well I will keep it then.


Okay, I got an another way cutter I'm sure.


An another ? cutter? nothing can be cutter than the one I just took!

My bear 

wanna bet?


Okay if yours is cutter than mine I will send you mine.


how is that fair?


What do you want then?


I want the picture and to talk to you 5 minutes a day for 2 weeks !


That's it? what if it's not cutter?


Then tell me what you want


I wanna see you....

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