I scoffed with a smile, "I can do it, Aja."

"I know, but you were running from something. And I don't know what else happened so I'm going to help."

"Well if you're this worried I can only imagine how krel would feel."

"Don't worry, krel is in the mothership, I can go tell him first." She led me over to the couch where luug was now patiently sitting.

Aja thought for a moment as I sat down and took my shoe off.
"Mother, could you activate the shields please?"

"Of course my royal."

"Shields?" I looked up at her.

"Just a precaution!" She raised her hands.

"Why has the human returned?" We both turned to Vex as he stepped into the room.

"She was attacked Varvatos, go easy on her." Aja crossed her arms.

He hesitated as if he was thinking.
"Varvatos Vex will stay on watch." He walked over to a window and slightly opened the blinds.

"Here you go sweety, this will take care of you!" The mom blank lifted my leg and placed a pillow underneath with a bag of frozen peas.

It felt weird having someone else do this for me. Usually, I'd put a towel under an ice pack just because I'm a baby, but these felt so much colder than a regular ice pack.

Of course, I didn't want to say anything so I just suffered the frozen feeling.

"Im going to get Krel, I'll be right back." She took a glance at Vex. The blue portal appeared as Aja stepped near the fireplace and disappeared right when she went inside.

I examined the cut on my leg and wondered. It was only bleeding a little and didn't hurt, I don't even remember running into something sharp.

I looked down at Stitch and plopped him onto my lap, he was all covered in dirt and I felt bad for flinging him all over the place.

"Ms. Overland, would you mind explaining what attacked you?" Mother's voice spoke up.

"Um... No thank you Mother, and please, call me Phoenix."

"Of course, my apologies."

I smiled to myself feeling weird that I just replied to a disembodied voice. Not a moment later Krel dashed out of the portal door and sat on his knees next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"I told you she's fine." Aja followed out and sat beside me.

"I'm okay krel, just... A bit sore." I looked down at my foot.

"Seems like I'll need to make you another one... Or since this keeps happening, I should probably upgrade it..." He stood up and sat beside me.

"Krel, you really don't have to-"

"No, no, I will. I don't like this inconvenience of yours."

I chuckled, "I don't see it as an inconvenience."

"He's right! It is totally an inconvenience! If all you do is hurt your ankles then how will you be able to do things!" Aja added.

"Well to be fair, I usually don't hurt myself this often. Just lately with this... Thing happening."

"Hey, what was attacking you? Aja said you seemed terrified."

I thought for a moment as I looked down at Stitch.
"Well, it was kind of... I guess- I mean well it started as I was walking home and a call from my friend. Then the front door was open and my aunt Kristy and Olivia weren't home. Then he grabbed me and I thought I could handle him, but then I went to run and tripped and he didn't follow me."

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now