Biggest party pooper

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I turned my head over my shoulder, and as soon as I did that, I saw Kunal glaring at me and smiling. Kunal was the biggest party pooper in my life, whenever I tried to do something, without him knowing he would just magically be transported to where I wanted him the least.

I was just looking at him in surprise and I could see Sarah behind him. She had been talking less with me today after what happened in the class.

Kunal was just glaring at me. I couldn't understand how I should answer him, since the boyfriend I was talking about was him.

Anuja Simran came to my help and gave him a gist about what was going on. He was intrigued to know all of that."You've got friends from school, that's nice I thought you'd been a loner all your life," Kunal said.

"Well, yes I do have a friend or two," I replied.

I was wondering what would happen if Kunal found out that a friend is just a made-up person and it's me who I'm asking the question for.

"Anyways, I'm a boyfriend myself, if anyone tries to get all cozy with my girlfriend, his days are numbered. So tell your friend, whatever he's thinking about doing he should back off." Kunal replied.

Kunal had both of his hands on my shoulder and he was looking down the whole time while talking to me. After finishing the sentence he dramatically looked up at me, with his eyes widened and in anger. I could feel his hands trying to press my shoulder down "You understand, Yohan?." Kunal asked.

"Yeah absolutely, I'll tell this to my friend," I replied.

Though I had known Kunal for a while, I was still scared of him. For a reason that I couldn't understand, he withdrew his hands from my shoulders. Judging by the looks on his face and the way he told it, I knew that he knows that I'm not talking about my friend but myself. I considered that as a warning to me.Sarah who was standing right beside him was the only person there in silence. I was glaring at her, and she looked at me which caught me off guard and I turned my head instantly in another direction.

Sarah finally broke her silence by speaking out.

"That's alright, but what about that girl calling you in alone, what was all that about," Sarah asked.

I was happy that Sarah finally spoke something out of her mouth, I thought I had done something to annoy her but it wasn't the case Kunal also butted into this and asked me the same. I didn't want to tell them the whole long story again, I was tired.

He seemed the most curious out of any other person.

"Long story short, nothing happened, don't worry," I said.

Sarah's gloomy face was finally happy, I wanted to know her views as well on my question."What does she think about this?" I wondered.

"If I may give my opinion on this matter to your friend, I would suggest your friend take advice from someone older. Look, we're all immature here. Our opinions are childish, taking the opinion of an older person just might help." She said,

Knowingly or unknowingly she didn't give an answer to the question, but she sure did give her suggestions and they were spot on. "Thanks! It never crossed my mind to ask someone older, it was really helpful! I replied."Welcome!" She replied.

Bell rang and we started heading for the next lecture. I had a few options in mind to whom I could get my answers.

Speaking of answers, our lecture started and the sir dropped something, A nightmare for all students "Exams".

Sir announced the date of the exams."Two months from now your exam will commence," Sir said.

I went into a deep shock, and everyone else, except the few toppers who were always studying day in and day out, exams weren't my concern but the districts were also gonna be held around the same time as the exams.

I was more worried about the districts than the exams. I decided to make a schedule for myself, where I could study a bit and do my practice as well.The lecture ended and I started heading back home. Kunal and Sarah stayed back while Anuja and Simran accompanied me to the station.They were tense for the exams, and I couldn't understand why. They were studying all the time and they were still afraid of the exams, while I hadn't even started studying but I was still not worried.

We parted ways and started to go home. The few people who came to my mind to ask questions were my brother and mom, I would've asked them but they would have easily figured out that it was me who I was talking about, so they were out of the question.

I was just walking and I reached my building. The lift was not working so I had to go walking up to the 7th floor. I reached there, out of breath and in desperate need of water. A girl was standing outside my house. I went towards her to see who it was, and she turned to me and said.

"YO! it's been a while."

Seeing her after a long time made me surprised and happy. The girl standing right in front of me was none other than my brother's girlfriend "Kiara".

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