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We went inside and settled up in our classrooms, the yohan who sat lonely at the back benches once was now sitting around with his friends.Sir came in and asked for our assignments. Almost everyone in the class had completed their assignments. We went line-wise to submit our assignments on the table. As I was at the table submitting my assignment. I heard a sound behind me.I turned my head back and tried to see what that sound was. There was a girl behind me and her book had fallen. Like a good gentleman, I leaned my upper body ahead trying to pick up the book. As soon as I bent down trying to pick up the book even though she went to pick it up, I was fast to reach it, I grabbed the book and started going upwards.As soon as I went up, both our heads clashed, her forehead hit me, and the back of my head hit her. I got up and saw her, she had one hand on her forehead, and she was in an unbalanced position, if she moved any more, she would have fallen. I went out to reach my hand to her, Luckily I was able to get a hold of her, and unconsciously I pulled her hand which made her come close to me.

She came at me and we pummeled each other, the bashing made me unbalanced and I went on to get myself on stable ground. I was falling behind and I got a grab of my hand on the teacher's desk. We were looking at each other in the eyes, Light blue eyes staring right into me, while my hands were upside down holding the tip of the table, her hands were crossed around me lying on the table. Any more movements would have ended our lips pecking each other. Sir came in and got us out of the awkward position.

"Are Yall okay?" The sir asked both of us."Y-yes sir, sorry for the inconvenience" we both replied simultaneously.We both submitted our assignments and went on to our benches. While we were going, the girl double-tucked her hair behind her ears. And glanced at me."Thank you." She whispered."Welcome," I replied.

I went on and sat on the bench. I was sitting beside Anuja and Simran while Kunal and Sarah were ahead. All of them started to tease me, except Sarah who was just there facing me silently."Yohan is always getting bashed at something," Anuja said."Yeah! Luckily this time he didn't drop dead on the floor." Simran replied.We were laughing and I was extensively Blushing. The lecture went on and I could see Sarah extremely focused on the lecture.

"Maybe she is weak in this subject." I wondered to myself.Class ended and we started heading out.Someone came from behind and patted my shoulder. I turned back but there was no one, someone snapped their finger in front of me and looked back at them in the front.It was the girl whom I bashed into.

My eyes widened and I was confused why she approached me. I was just looking at Her. Kunal and everyone were teasing me, rooting for me. And I couldn't stop wondering what the hell was going on.

"Hey! Can you come with me for a second?" She asked.

My eyes widened more and more and I was giving her death stares continuously without blinking. I was standing there still when Kunal and others pushed me from the back onto her."Sure thing he's coming with you," Kunal said.

We started to go ahead, while Kunal and co, were shouting out for me. We went on to the quiet place in the college where no one was there, finding quiet places in college was hard. I stood against the wall and she stood in front of me against the window.

We were just standing there and I was waiting for her to tell me something. She was wearing a pink kurta with light blue jeans and Scott shoes. She came closer to me a bit and said,"Thanks for saving me back there."

I was just looking at her and wondering."Is she dumb? She thanked me back there. Why did she bring me here to say this again? "Welcome! Again." I replied.She came closer to me leaned her neck ahead and touched her forehead to mine gently."They say, if you bump your heads with each other, your minds exchange, I don't want to exchange my smart brain with yours." She said."L-Like I want your brain," I replied.She got a bit away from me, looked down, and even I looked down and saw that she was glancing at my I'd card, she took it in her hands and read out my name."Yohan, that's a cute name, goes with your personality." She said.I did not understand what she wanted from me. I didn't hesitate to ask her since I wanted to go and talk with Anuja and Simran as well.

"Thanks! What do you want from me?." I asked."You're smart! Well, you're cute as well, will you become my boyfriend?" She replied.As she spoke those words out of her mouth, my heart skipped a beat there for a moment, I was looking at her while my face had turned all red. She was the first person who asked me this. She was just glaring at me and I couldn't understand what I should say to her.

I didn't even know her name, and here she was asking me to be her boyfriend. I was glad that someone asked me but I didn't expect it to happen in such an unromantic manner, I didn't even know her. All I could think about at that moment was Sarah."We don't even know each other, today's the first time I met you, why do you even want to be my girlfriend?" I asked.Bell rang and a boy was approaching us. She glanced at him and instantly moved away from me."It's not the right time now, I'll tell you afterward." She said,She started walking out where we came from, I didn't know her name so I shouted and asked her for her name. She turned back glancing at me and replied."Ishita."I remember that I had to ask Anuja and Simran what this strange feeling I was going through was.I ran, fast as I could trying to find them. I checked at the canteen and they weren't there, I checked in the class and they weren't there, finally, I saw them in the lobby sitting and chit-chatting, I ran towards them."Anuja, Simran, I want to talk to you about something," I said.

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