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As Simi, Anu, and Yohan went back home it was just me and Kunal who left. I was tired so I wanted to go back to my place and sleep, but I was hungry at the same time, so I suggested to Kunal that we should go and grab some food. He wasn't hungry but he's my boyfriend so I would make him come with me anyways.

We went and had some food, and while we were having it, I started wondering about Yohan, despite all the misunderstandings getting hit on the head he still gave me a chance to apologize for what we did. He is a good person. I got lost in thought until Kunal snapped me back out of it by calling me out. He wanted to know where I was lost in thought, I told him it was nothing since I didn't want him to take it in another way.

Kunal and I were close friends from school, we both liked each other, but thought that either person didn't like so we never confessed it, I was popular with boys so I would get proposals quite regularly, on the day of farewell a guy proposed to me, assuming that Kunal never has liked me, I decided to take a step ahead, but I didn't want to date someone whom I don't even know properly, as I was going to say him a no, Kunal came out of nowhere and confessed his feelings to me in front of everyone, It was the first time I blushed so extensively. Without hesitating I said yes to him with a wide smile on my face.

Later I asked him why he confessed to me out of the blue, and he said that every time I got a proposal I would immediately reject the person, but that moment I was thinking, so he took it in another way assuming that I was gonna say a yes to him, his body moved on his own and went to tell me his feelings. Well, I'm happy that it took place so it triggered him to confess his feelings and I got to know he liked me. He overthinks a lot so I don't tell him things that can make him anxious.

We had food and began to head home, While I went walking home since it's close by from the marine drive. Kunal went to the station to catch his train. Kunal didn't seem to remember anything from the fresher's day he said, I told him everything, and he quite understood and forgave me.

I reached home at 4:30 PM, I was damn tired so I went off to sleep for a while. I woke up at around 6:30 PM, had some breakfast, and started studying for a while.

After a while of studying, Anuja and Simran took me on a conference call. We talked about stuff here and there. We even took Kunal on the call and started gossiping with him. I asked them if their assignments were completed or not since the submission was in two days. Anuja Simran had almost completed their assignment while I was going to help Kunal make it. We thought of Calling up Yohan and asking him but he didn't receive the call.

Mom and dad came home from work while we ordered dinner from outside waiting for My sister to come back home. She informed us that she would be coming late so We had our dinner. After having dinner we sat down for a while in the living room and watched some Tv, while my sister came around 10:30 PM and we all went to sleep. I just chatted for a while with my friends and then suddenly, Kunal texted me that it was 11:11 to make a wish, my brain got frozen for a minute.

The 11:11 reminded me of when I took Yohan and told him that I want him forever and tried to kiss him. I was happy that I didn't kiss him or any sort of that. But I was feeling bad at the same time for lying to Kunal and not telling him this.

Even though we both didn't know each other, Yohan handled me with care that day and maybe he could have gotten the wrong idea. I never really talked to him after that, since even though I was confused about how to tell him this, I decided that I would talk to him on this topic.

I replied to Kunal after a minute and said that I missed it, I asked him when did he start believing in this, and he told me that I always used to tell him about this time, but never said the reasons behind it so he googled it and found out the meaning. I told him he is a crackhead and went on to sleep.

Before sleeping I did my favorite thing of the day, read books. Reading books would calm me down and divert my mind from thinking anything weird. I usually read books for an hour and then went on to sleep. It was 12:30 Am when I finished reading and went to sleep. As I went to sleep the notification of my phone rang but I was too bored to touch my phone so I went back to sleep.

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